An investigation in to the impacts of out-Of-class english activities on the english major students’ achievement at military science academy
This paper describes an in-depth investigation of how out-of-class English activities can be seen
to positively influence the English major students’ achievement at Military Science Academy. The
present paper is based on the data collected from 90 third-year English major students via the tools
of a questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, and the students’ language diaries. The research
results demonstrate that out-of-class English activities are indeed a platform for the students to
develop their language performance, creativity, critical and analytical thinking, problem-solving
skills, self-confidence and maturity
to be fully established. Their involvement in out-of-class language activities also established a sense of pride in their written and verbal work. However, the outcomes of the current study showed that students’ over- involvement in out-of- class English activities caused potential demerits. The noticeable findings from a small number of students’ responses were mostly negative such as missing classes, tiredness from involvement in or organizing various activities, not being able to concentrate during lessons. Some students indicated that being more involved in out-of- school out-of-class English activities might lead to spending less time on study and homework because of the intensive rehearsals, practices and meetings. The findings of the impacts of participating in out-of-class English activities on the students’ social skills and academic learning provide evidence that out-of-class English activities are indeed a platform for them to develop creative, critical and analytical thinking, problem solving skills, self-confidence and maturity by organizing a variety of useful tasks, which is essential for their future life. 6. RECOMMENDATIONS After this thorough discussion of the results, it is revealed that the English major students at the English Department - Military Science Academy can be highly motivated to enhance their performance and improve their standard when participating in out-of-class English activities. It also shows the students’ willingness to take part in the proposed out-of-class English activities if they are introduced in the Department. Moreover, the students show concern and eagerness to take charge of their activities and seek extra autonomy in learning. Based on all this, the following recommendations can be presented, hoping that they will be taken into consideration by the teachers of the English Department at Military Science Academy and the university administration as well. First, teachers can encourage and support out-of-class English activities by initiating and supervising them and cooperating with the students and related departments to set them up. While it is true that the Department does have some out-of-class English activities, these are too few and far between to have much positive effect in boosting motivation and general proficiency among students. A list of extra English activities can be added such as language symposiums, short play performance, poetry recitals, or cultural exchange program in collaboration with other English training institutions. Second, proper planning, organization and co- ordination of the activities with the administration and the students should precede these activities to ensure their success. Also the events and any out-of-class English activity initiated by the Department or the university administration should receive sufficient advance publicity to ensure better attendance. Third, out-of-class English activities should not be arbitrarily selected but they should be well coordinated and relevant to the students’ needs and interest. More importantly, these activities should be conducted in a proper tension-free atmosphere to ensure maximum benefits. 66 KHOA HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ QUÂN SỰNo. 19 (5/2019) v DISCUSSION Last but not least, the students’ self-motivation should be strengthened to produce highly motivated students. The teachers’ involvement which is essential must not stop short of the classroom but must be extended since that is where real communicative interaction takes place. In order to create a more motivating experience during English learning and teaching process, the teachers need to invest a great deal of thoughts into developing programs which maintain and promote students’ interest and have reachable short term goals. 7. CONCLUSION This study explores what impacts the English major students’ engagement in out-of-class English activities could bring. Data was generated through questionnaires, semi-structured interviews with students, and their language diaries of all the activities available. The data demonstrated that out- of-class English activities played an important role in the students’ academic and social achievement. The study found that students were empowered in all the activities and decision-making, shared and learned from each other’s knowledge and strengths. It also pointed out that these activities had significant impacts on students’ academic and social skills within and out of the classes and the entire university. 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Kết quả nghiên cứu khẳng định các hoạt động tiếng Anh ngoài lớp học chính là bệ phóng để sinh viên phát triển khả năng ngôn ngữ, sự sáng tạo, tư duy phân tích và phản biện, kỹ năng giải quyết vấn đề, sự tự tin và trưởng thành của bản thân. Từ khóa: hoạt động ngoài lớp học, ảnh hưởng, năng lực học thuật, kỹ năng giao tiếp xã hội, thành tựu Ngày nhận bài: 26/3/2019; ngày sửa chữa: 22/4/2019; ngày duyệt đăng: 28/4/2019
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