A&B Level Certificate Revision
1. What is the higher mountain in the world?
a. What b. is c. higher d. in
2. I wish my mother gives me presents more often.
a. wish b. gives c. me d. more often
3. The teacher was pleasing with the result of your examination.
a. The b. was c. pleasing d. of
4. The little boy didn't know how lacing his shoes.
a. The little boy b. didn't c. how d. lacing
5. You are quite so thin that you can slip between the bars.
a. are b. quite so c. can slip d. between
6. To turnon the light, I was surprised at what I saw.
a. To turn b. on c. was d. at
7. I would ratherlive on a farm than to live in a city.
a. would rather b. live c. on d. to live
8. The school library is free and open forallthe pupils and teaching staff.
a. is b. and c. for d. all
9. Why don't you borrow books in the local lending library?
a. Why b. don't c. borrow d. in
10. He had to admit that there were something in what mother kept saying.
a. admit b. were c. what d. saying
11. The students suggested buyingflowers forthe teachers in the Teachers' Day.
a. The students b. buying c. for d. in
12. No one have solved such a difficult problem.
a. have b. solved c. such d. difficult
13. During their meat, they discussed what to do at the weekend.
a. During b. meat c. to do d. at
14. If you write the essay careful, you willget good mark.
a. If b. write c. careful d. will
s of the land area of theworld. a. is b. official c. one-fifths d. of 230. Many universities, school classes taught in English even thoughthe native language is not English. a. Many b. taught c. even though d. native 231. I myself prefer the underground as it is rapidity, easy and cheap. a. myself b. the c. rapidity d. cheap 232. There are such many cars and buses in London that one can not drive along the roads quickly, and without many stops. a. such b. in c. that d. without 233. If you don't know London very good, it is very difficult to find the bus you want. a. If b. don't c. good d. to find 234. Some butterflies flies more than3000 kilometers on their journey to the south. a. Some b. flies c. more than d. on 235. On the winteringplaces, millions of butterflies cover the trees and ground like a carpet. a. On b. wintering c. of d. like 236. It is certainly true that the average woman has weaker muscles that the average man. a. certainly b. average c. has d. that 237. When men lived in caves and hunt animals for food, strengthof body was the most important thing. a. lived b. hunt c. strength d. most 238. Most of the words are the same in American and in British English, but theAmerican people say any English words not like people do in England. a. Most b. same c. any d. do 239. In Canada much people speak English because they also came from England many years ago. a. In b. much c. because d. also 240. Jim gets up at half past seven everyday, has breakfast at eight o'clock, and starts works at half past nine. a. at b. has c. starts d. works 241. Peter usually gets up at eleven o'clock and has breakfast on lunchtime. a. usually b. gets c. has d. on 242. Holiday towns and fishing villages in the South - West are prepared to fight the oil pollution which is threatening localbeaches. a. fishing b. prepared c. which d. local 243. Yesterday there was a collision in the English Channel between the "S.P Titan", who is one of the biggest oil tankers in the world, and a Dutch cargo ship. a. was b. between c. who d. tankers 244. Helicopters rescued both crews, and nobody dies in the collision. a. rescued b. both c. dies d. in 245. Hundreds of small boats, which are carrying detergents, is spraying the oil. a. of b. which c. carrying d. is 246. The Amazon forest, in Brazil, covers five million square kilometers - an area as biggeras the whole of Europe excludingRussia. a. covers b. million c. bigger d. excluding 247. If the destruction of the forest continues at the same rate, there would be nothing left by the year 2005. a. If b. continues c. would d. left 248. Scientists says that the disappearance of the trees is already causing changes in the climate. a. says b. disappearance c. of d. in 249. Brunei is one of the smallest but most rich countries in the world. a. one b. smallest c. most rich d. in 250. Most them think that Brunei is in the Middle East but it isn't. a. them b. that c. in d. isn't 251. And the beauty is that there are so little people to share all this money. a. beauty b. that c. little d. this 252. In 1980 the Sultan met an air hostess calling Mariam Bell and fellin love with her. a. met b. calling c. fell d. with 253. Factory chimneys give out smoke that containingsulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. a. Factory b. give c. containing d. and 254. When it rains, these acids dissolve in the rain and make it to be acidic. a. it b. dissolve c. in d. to be 255. Acid rain is believed be the worst pollution problem of all. a. is b. be c. worst d. of 256. Acid rain has harmed aquatic life by to turn many lakes into lifeless bodies of water. a. has harmed b. to turn c. into d. of 257. It is not possibleto do this on a large enough scale to save all the lake. a. is b. possible c. large d. lake 258. Car exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide and lead which are high poisonous. a. exhaust b. contain c. which d. high 259. 1.6 billion gallons were sold every year, in over one hundred and sixty countries. a. were b. in c. hundred d. countries 260. It is certainly that Coca-Cola will be drunk far into the twenty-first century. a. certainly b. drunk c. into d. twenty-first 261. At the intersection forBroad Street and Park Avenue, Kim had the green light and drove into the intersection. a. At b. for c. green d. into 262. No one were hurt, but the damage to Kim's car was heavy. a. No one b. were c. to d. was 263. When we have guests to our house, we shouldbe very polite to their. a. When b. to c. should d. their 264. The Americans tend to be informal while they're being receivedcompany or coming for a social engagement. a. tend b. to be c. being received d. coming for 265. Women don't usually shake hands as they are introduced to each other but men did. a. don't b. as c. to d. did 266. A Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Suez and separates the continents of Africa and Asia. a. A b. connects c. separates d. of 267. Ships sailing in Europe to Asia once had to take the route around the Southern tip of Africa. a. sailing b. in c. take d. around 268. She has takenthe driven test three times, but she hadn't beenable to pass the test yet. a. has taken b. driven c. hadn't been d. yet 269. Walt Whitman, born in New York in 1819, was two of America's unusual literary figures. a. born b. in c. two d. figures 270. He has given freely of his time by caring for the wounded during the Civil War. a. has given b. freely c. caring d. wounded 271. He had felt that it was necessary achievinga new poetic form in order to communicatehis views. a. had felt b. was c. achieving d. communicate 272. Although many believed the "talking leaf" to be the gift from the Great Spirit but Sequoyah refused to accept that theory. a. many b. to be c. but d. to accept 273. In 1821, aftertwelve years of work, he had successfully developinga written language that would enable thousands of Indians to read and write. a. after b. successfully c. developing d. would 274. After inventingdynamite, Swedish-born Alfred Nobel became a very richness man. a. inventing b. became c. very d. richness 275. Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death, the awards are presentedforthe winners. a. on b. death c. presented d. for 276. No awards was presented from1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World War II. a. No b. was c. from d. at 277. Franklin initiated many improvement in the city of Philadelphia. a. initiated b. improvement c. in d. city 278. Franklin played an importance role in the early history of the United States. a. an b. importance c. early d. the 279. Elizabeth Blackwell was born on England in 1821 and emigrated to New York City when she was ten years ol d. a. was b. on c. in d. to 280. She decided that she wantedto become a doctor, who was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century. a. wanted b. who c. for d. in 281. In 1849, aftergraduation frommedical school, she decides to furtherher education in Paris. a. after b. from c. decides d. further 282. Ever since humans have inhabited the earth, they have made use of variety forms of communication. a. humans b. inhabited c. use d. variety 283. Body language transmits ideas or thoughts by certainactions, either intentionally norunintentionally. a. transmits b. certain c. either d. nor 284. It is believed that when a she-wolf loses her litter, she seeking a human child to takeits place. a. believed b. when c. seeking d. to take 285. In 1925, he joinedthe advertisingdepartment of Doubleday Page and Company, one of the most large publishing houses in New York. a. joined b. advertising c. the most d. houses 286. He was a favorite contributor to many leadingmagazines, and her name becamea household word. a. favorite b. leading c. her name d. became 287. We were sittingquiet by the side of a lake when we had an unpleasant surprise. a. sitting b. quiet c. side d. unpleasant 288. If you are planning to transfer, remember that you must to obtain the permission before leaving the university where you are currently studying. a. to transfer b. to obtain c. leaving d. where 289. You must complete the form I -538, have it to sign by the foreign student advisor at the school where you are currently studying. a. complete b. to sign c. at d. currently 290. As more women in the United States moved up the professionalladder, more are finding it necessity to make business trips alone. a. As b. women c. professional d. necessity 291. It is a wellidea to encourage your husband and children to learn to cook a few simple meals while you are away. a. well b. to encourage c. to learn d. meals 292. The inventionof the electric telegraph gave birth of the communications industry. a. invention b. birth c. of d. communications 293. With increasing development and use of computer technology, there is a newly disease to worry about. a. With b. development c. use d. newly 294. In some countries in Europe, teachers are allowed giving children some homework only at weekends. a. in b. are c. giving d. homework 295. Five prisoners were injured when they attempted to escape in the prison last night. a. were b. when c. attempted d. in 296. Is driving a car more dangerous than to fly in a modern plane? a. driving b. dangerous c. than d. to fly 297. I'd like to write applyingfor the post of accountant in your company. a. to write b. applying c. of d. in 298. I have five years of experience like an accountant and can speak English fluently. a. experience b. like c. speak d. fluently 299. I feel very happy to get your letter after so a long time. a. happy b. to get c. so d. time 300. The driver asked the passengers not to get off the bus while it was moved. ------THE END------
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