A survey on saigon university efl students’ attitudes towards m - Learning
Mobile learning (M-learning) appears as the great mark of technological revolution 4.0, which supports
learners’ learning everywhere and every time. Although learning through smart and mobile devices is
expected to apply appropriately on teaching and learning, users’ attitudes towards application need to be
seriously assessed. This writing is to present EFL learners’ attitudes towards English M-learning
application through a survey on 50 EFL students at Saigon University by a questionnaire including 9
statements in the first semester of the school year 2018-2019 from November 5th, 2018 to November
19th, 2018. The quantitative approaches are used to collect the research data and the results showed that
students had positive attitudes towards M-learning application at Saigon University.
TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SÀI GÒN SAIGON UNIVERSITY TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL ĐẠI HỌC SÀI GÒN OF SAIGON UNIVERSITY Số 64 (4/2019) No. 64 (4/2019) Email: tcdhsg@sgu.edu.vn ; Website: https://tapchikhoahoc.sgu.edu.vn 70 A SURVEY ON SAIGON UNIVERSITY EFL STUDENTS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS M-LEARNING Khảo sát thái độ của sinh viên không chuyên tiếng Anh Trường Đại học Sài Gòn đối với hình thức học tiếng Anh qua các thiết bị di động (M-learning) ThS.NCS. Võ Thúy Linh Trường Đại học Sài Gòn Abstract Mobile learning (M-learning) appears as the great mark of technological revolution 4.0, which supports learners’ learning everywhere and every time. Although learning through smart and mobile devices is expected to apply appropriately on teaching and learning, users’ attitudes towards application need to be seriously assessed. This writing is to present EFL learners’ attitudes towards English M-learning application through a survey on 50 EFL students at Saigon University by a questionnaire including 9 statements in the first semester of the school year 2018-2019 from November 5th, 2018 to November 19th, 2018. The quantitative approaches are used to collect the research data and the results showed that students had positive attitudes towards M-learning application at Saigon University. Keywords: attitude, EFL students, M-learning, Saigon University Tóm tắt Phương thức học tập trên các thiết bị di động (M-learning) với tính năng vượt trội có hỗ trợ học tập mọi lúc, mọi nơi xuất hiện như một dấu ấn vĩ đại của cuộc cách mạng công nghệ 4.0. Mặc dù M-learning được đánh giá cao và mong đợi sớm được ứng dụng trong dạy và học ngày nay, nhưng thái độ tiếp nhận của người sử dụng rất cần được xác định nghiêm túc đảm bảo tính cần thiết và đáp ứng thực tiễn của hình thức học tập mới này. Mục đích bài viết này mô tả lại cuộc khảo sát về thái độ đón nhận của sinh viên học tiếng Anh không chuyên đối với việc ứng dụng M-learning trong việc học tiếng Anh tại Trường Đại học Sài Gòn. Cuộc khảo sát được tiến hành trên 50 sinh viên trong 2 tuần (5/11/2018- 19/11/2018) với bảng hỏi gồm 9 câu hỏi và 5 mức độ trả lời cho sẵn ở mỗi câu. Phương pháp định lượng, dữ liệu từ bảng hỏi được thu thập và phân tích, kết quả khảo sát cho thấy hầu hết sinh viên có thái độ tích cực đối với việc ứng dụng M-learning dành cho việc học tiếng Anh không chuyên tại Trường Đại học Sài Gòn. Từ khoá: thái độ, sinh viên không chuyên Anh, học tập trên các thiết bị di động, Trường Đại học Sài Gòn 1. Introduction English has been international communicative instrument of human today. Learning English is really necessary; however, it is difficult for busy learners who are plentiful of ages, levels, jobs, etc. In fact, they have no time to acquire and practice English at class. English fluency cannot be obtained among busy and crowded situation of current education Email: vtlinh@sgu.edu.vn VÕ THÚY LINH TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC ĐẠI HỌC SÀI GÒN 71 and society in Vietnam generally, Ho Chi Minh City particularly, especially, for college non English majored students (EFL learners) who learn basic English at Sai Gon University; yet, their English scores of the exams still fall at four and five (mark lists from Department Academic Affairs of SGU, 2018). This does not meet English fluency requirements for students. Besides, through practical observation, EFL students need an active and convenient learning approach that can help them learn English every time and everywhere because they have to spend time for other subjects beside English. In fact, mobile devices like smart phones, Ipads, laptops, etc. can provide the big wealth of knowledge through the internet as well as learning opportunities for the learners at different levels conveniently (Trinh, 2014: 23). By the profits of mobile devices, certainly, M-learning system is expected to be operated at educational institutes in Vietnam, especially, at Sai Gon University. However, the students’ preparation for this learning mode needs to be explored carefully. Therefore, the author conducts this survey to assess EFL students’ acceptance through their behaviors for M- learning, the research setting is at SGU. The main task of this research is to answer the following research question “To what extent are EFL students acceptable for learning English through mobile device (M-learning)?” and suggest some other aspects for the next M-learning application studies. As the present research’s topic, there are many prior studies employed by previous authors in Vietnam and in the world like Vo et al. (2017), Khanh and Gim (2014), Pollara (2011), Aish and Love (2013), Kuciapski (2016), etc. However, these studies only survey the perceptions, attitudes, and acceptance of English majored students in higher educational institutions without investigating into the acceptance or psychology of EFL students for this new learning approach. Thus, this survey was conducted to fill in this gap and collect new results on EFL learners’ readiness for M-learning as well as to provide another source of reference for further research. 2. Theoretical review on mobile learning 2.1. Definition of mobile learning The term “M-learning” has been defined as “Any sort of learning that happens when the learner is not at a fixed, predetermined location, or learning that happens when the learner takes advantage of the learning opportunities offered by mobile technologies” (O’Malley et al. 2003: 6). It has seen that the exponential development of mobile devices accompanied their smart functions to support learners’ learning everywhere and every time. In order to implement the perfect M-learning application, a lot of details need to be completed, this paper only focuses on students’ technology acceptance of M-learning and suggestions for further studies. For these aims, the discuss relationship between M-learning and learning English of students, some ideas are explained in the next sections. 2.2. The role of M-learning for learning English After many related researches, M- learning is seen as the precious and great invention in education globally. Chen et al., (2002) realize unique features of mobile technology with benefits which are SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF SAIGON UNIVERSITY No. 64 (4/2019) 72 not supplied through other distance learning technology in scaffold-learning. Therefore, in learning English, learners can be supported significantly by M-learning thank to its benefits as the multimedia access tools, connectivity tools, capture tools in teaching and learning. In addition, and in language teaching and learning, Naismith et al. (2004, p. 36) indicate that M-learning would initiate a kind of “highly situated, personal, collaborative and long term; in other words, truly learner-centered learning”. Furthermore, Chen et al., (2002) also emphasize that such useful characteristics can support students’ motivation, encourage their sense of responsibility, improve their commitment and promote learners’ learning. Moreover, M-learning offers active and experiential learning English opportunities allowing quick note taking through photos, sound and video recording. In spites of useful characteristics, M- learning exists some usefulness for learning English in particular and in general education, for example, the small size of mobile devices that help users take and learn English anytime and anywhere, make users are used to working and touching all time without concentrating others surround. Furthermore, using mobile devices connected wifi causes disadvantages on their eyes and brain, etc. Therefore, learners need to be careful and balance to use mobile devices for their learning reasonable and effective. From the relationship between M- learning and learning English of students as well as usefulness and challenges of M- learning on learning English, mobile devices provide dynamic and positive environment for students to learn English everywhere and every time. With this aim in mind, the researcher follows Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Davis, 1986: 24) to design questionnaire contents, this model’s contents are described in the next section. 2.3. Technology Acceptance Model TAM) Theoretically, Davis et al. (1989) explores the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with the purpose to measure the perceived usefulness and ease of use among technology handlers. Napitupulu et al. (2017: 698) suppose that the TAM has been seen as an important research model for evaluating the factors of attitudes formed from two factors of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of users. And it is the most adopted model due to both imply users’ perceptions of ease and usefulness of mobile technology in teaching and learning, which is displayed by the learners’ attitudes towards learning through mobile technology. Hence, the researcher will refer this theory to design questionnaire for survey on EFL learners’ acceptance for M-learning at Saigon University. The TAM is described following: VÕ THÚY LINH TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC ĐẠI HỌC SÀI GÒN 73 Figure 1. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Davis et al., 1986: 24). 3. Research Methodology In the light of this survey description, the participants majoring of Pre school education, Primary school education, mathemetic pedagogy, etc, are randomly grouped of 50 college EFL sophomores who learn basic English 2. The survey was conducted within two weeks of the first semester 2018-2019 from November 5th, 2018 to November 19th, 2018 at Sai Gon University. The quantitative used to collect data from questionnaire with 10 statements arranged correlatively (15 minutes). The purpose of the questionnaire is to evaluate EFL students’ acceptance for M-learning, with a focus on some aspects of (1) students’ mobile device ownership, (2) awareness of students for M-learning, (3) behavior of students for M-learning. Each statement has five Likert scales for the participants to choose their ideas by writing only a tick into one cell of idea columns, Strongly agree (SA), Agree (A), No ideas (NI), Disagree (DA), and Strongly disagree (SA). 4. Results and discussion The contents of the questionnaire are to answer the research question “To what extent are EFL students acceptable for learning English through mobile device (M-learning)?” The researcher analyzes the proportion of the participants’ ideas for each statement to appraise their behavior and acceptance on M-learning, which is summarized in the Table 1 below. Table1: Participants’ answers for questionnaire Statement SA A NI D SD 1. I am using a mobile device. 98% 0% 2% 0% 0% 2. My mobile device can connect the Internet/wireless. 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 3. I usually use my mobile phone for learning English. 0% 5% 6% 86% 5% 4. I have ever heard about learning English through mobile learning. 97% 0% 0% 3% 0% 5. M-learning is a new learning approach. 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 6. M-learning is able to support my learning English. 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 7. I think M-learning is convenient for my learning. 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 8. I think M-learning make me learn more comfortably. 96% 0% 0% 0% 4% 9. I want to have an opportunity to learn English through mobile devices. 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF SAIGON UNIVERSITY No. 64 (4/2019) 74 As for statement 1, 98% of the students own mobile devices. And 100% of them strongly agreed with statement 2. Both figures show that students own mobile devices are able to connect internet or wifi, obviously, equipment condition is ready for students to receive learning English through M-learning. In responding to statement three, 5% of the participants strongly disagreed, and 86% disagreed with it. At the fourth one, the majority of the participants heard about M-learning (97%). It is seen that the majority of students have heard, known and experienced to learn English via smart phones. This means students have ever seemed to think and expect M-learning in their learning. It is not difficult for students to approach and show how they behave and consider M-learning for next items. Moreover, all students strongly agreed with statements 5 and 6. They indicated that M-learning is a new learning mode, and they believe in the usefulness of M- learning for their English improvement (100%). Statement 7 also had the same percentage (100% of the students strongly agreed with this statement). It was concluded that most of the students had positive attitudes towards M-learning and they believed that M-learning could bring benefits to the learners because with this learning approach they were able to study English anytime and anywhere. With regard to statement 8, the participants strongly agreed that it was convenient to learn English through M- learning (96% of the students strongly agreed with this statement). They all agreed that it was motivating to learn English through mobile devices. And they all expressed their willingness to use mobile devices to learn English, which shown through the rate 100% of strongly agree in the statement 9. It is indicated that the participants considered M-learning as a new learning approach. In addition, they demonstrated positive attitude toward the use of M- learning in English language learning. 5. Conclusion and suggestion To sum up, the questionnaire results satisfactorily answered the research question “To what extent are EFL students acceptable for learning English through mobile device (M-learning)?” Based on data analysis, it was revealed that students’ attitude for M-learning acceptance was positive, they believe that mobile devices are useful (Perceived usefulness) and using mobile is ease (Perceived ease of use), thus, the majority of students tend to using their mobile devices to learn English (Intention to use). They were ready to learn English through this learning approach. As far as limitations are concerned, this paper only focused on EFL students’ acceptance for M-learning on English. M- learning application for teaching and learning other subjects needs to be explored. Especially, further studies on the implementation of M-learning for all the subjects at Saigon University should be conducted to expand the learning space for students. 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