A study on improving the pronunciation of first-Year English majors during a speech training course at Quy Nhon University
As far as the speaking skill is concerned, pronunciation is a key area. However, in Vietnamese formal EFL classes, scan attention is paid to this aspect until the learners enter higher education, with Speech Training being introduced in the first year. This study aims at investigating the effect of using the techniques of Shadowing and Directing Effective Feedback in company with the formal course of Speech Training to upgrade the pronunciation of English majors at university, especially those who are trained to be teachers of English. An experiment was conducted, spanning one semester. It involved 67 first-Year students in the Department of Foreign Languages, Quy Nhon University. The participants formed a treatment group (n =43) and a control group (n = 24). The data were collected by means of post-test and pre-test and statistically analyzed. The results indicate an improvement in the learners’ performance, especially in sentence stress, suggesting the effectiveness of the measures undertaken. The data obtained also revealed that the employment of the techniques for the treatment group did not result in vast difference from the control group as expected in bettering the students’ articulation of final sounds and aspects of connected speech, which suggests the students’ low level of autonomy
33 QUY NHON UNIVERSITY SCIENCEJOURNAL OF Tạp chí Khoa học - Trường Đại học Quy Nhơn, 2019, 13(6), 33-42 Nghiên cứu cải thiện khả năng phát âm của sinh viên chuyên ngữ năm nhất tại trường Đại học Quy Nhơn trong khóa Luyện âm Nguyễn Hoài Dung*, Bùi Thị Minh Nguyệt, Lê Thị Thanh Tâm Khoa Ngoại Ngữ, Trường Đại học Quy Nhơn Ngày nhận bài: 10/09/2019; Ngày nhận đăng: 10/10/2019 TÓM TẮT Phát âm là yếu tố đóng vai trò then chốt trong kĩ năng nói. Tuy nhiên các lớp học tiếng Anh chính quy ở trường phổ thông tại Việt Nam vẫn chưa dành sự chú ý đúng mức cho phương diện này cho đến khi các em học chuyên sâu hơn trong khóa học Luyện âm ở đại học cho sinh viên chuyên ngữ năm thứ nhất. Nghiên cứu này nhằm điều tra hiệu quả của việc áp dụng của hai phương pháp hỗ trợ Shadowing (phương pháp nghe và lặp lại) và Feedback (phương pháp phản hồi) ngoài chương trình chính khóa của sinh viên nhằm cải thiện khả năng phát âm của sinh viên chuyên ngữ, đặc biệt là sinh viên ngành sư phạm. Thực nghiệm kéo dài trong một học kì, tiến hành trên 67 sinh viên năm thứ nhất, khoa Ngoại ngữ, trường Đại học Quy Nhơn. Những người tham gia được chia thành 2 nhóm, nhóm thực nghiệm (n=43) và nhóm đối chứng (n=24). Dữ liệu được thu thập qua các bài kiểm tra trước và sau thực nghiệm, sau đó được phân tích thống kê. Kết quả cho thấy các sinh viên trong nhóm thực nghiệm đã có nhiều tiến bộ sau khóa học, đặc biệt trong việc thể hiện trọng âm của câu, điều này cho thấy tính hiệu quả của các phương pháp thực nghiệm. Kết quả phân tích cũng cho thấy sự tiến bộ khiêm tốn của nhóm thực nghiệm so với nhóm đối chứng trong việc khắc phục lỗi phát âm âm cuối (“ed”, “s/es”) và nối âm đã chỉ ra một thực tế là tinh thần tự học của sinh viên còn thấp. Keywords: Phát âm, Shadowing (phương pháp nghe và lặp lại), Feedback (phương pháp phản hồi). *Corresponding author. Email: nguyenhoaidung@qnu.edu.vn 34 TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC QUY NHƠN KHOA HỌCTẠP CHÍ Journal of Science - Quy Nhon University, 2019, 13(6), 33-42 A study on improving the pronunciation of first-year English majors during a speech training course at Quy Nhon University Nguyen Hoai Dung*, Bui Thi Minh Nguyet, Le Thi Thanh Tam Department of Foreign Languages, Quy Nhon University Received: 10/09/2019; Accepted: 10/10/2019 ABSTRACT As far as the speaking skill is concerned, pronunciation is a key area. However, in Vietnamese formal EFL classes, scan attention is paid to this aspect until the learners enter higher education, with Speech Training being introduced in the first year. This study aims at investigating the effect of using the techniques of Shadowing and Directing Effective Feedback in company with the formal course of Speech Training to upgrade the pronunciation of English majors at university, especially those who are trained to be teachers of English. An experiment was conducted, spanning one semester. It involved 67 first-year students in the Department of Foreign Languages, Quy Nhon University. The participants formed a treatment group (n =43) and a control group (n = 24). The data were collected by means of post-test and pre-test and statistically analyzed. The results indicate an improvement in the learners’ performance, especially in sentence stress, suggesting the effectiveness of the measures undertaken. The data obtained also revealed that the employment of the techniques for the treatment group did not result in vast difference from the control group as expected in bettering the students’ articulation of final sounds and aspects of connected speech, which suggests the students’ low level of autonomy. Key words: Pronunciation, Shadowing, Feedback. 1. INTRODUCTION For decades, English has been the foreign language that interests Vietnamese people of all ages. People learn English for business, for fun, for travelling, for international relationships, for reading foreign books, for scientific research, for overseas survival and so on. Courses of English are available nationwide, formally and informally. In universities and colleges, English departments often attract the most students who are trained in formal courses of standard English, which is especially essential for classes of teachers-to-be. Standard English is easily found through spoken English, where pronunciation including sounds, connected speech and *Tác giả liên hệ chính. Email: nguyenhoaidung@qnu.edu.vn intonation, plays the key role. Nevertheless, it is a fact that the speaking skill in terms of fluency and naturalness and pronunciation in particular of English majors at Quy Nhon University has still been far from satisfaction. At Quy Nhon University, as regards the Department of Foreign Languages, although the students, like elsewhere, started to learn English at the 6th form when they entered the junior high school, some even started at primary school, they have not had a formal course of pronunciation until they become students of the English department. The Speech Training course lasts 30 periods (or 2 credits); students take an oral examination on pronunciation at the end of 35 QUY NHON UNIVERSITY SCIENCEJOURNAL OF Journal of Science - Quy Nhon University, 2019, 13(6), 33-42 the course. Like other Vietnamese ESL students, English majors at Quy Nhon University share many of the same pronunciation errors that ESL students from elsewhere do, as reported in some previous studies (Nguyen Thi Thu Thao, 2007; Nguyen Thi Hang; 2014; Ha Cam Tam, 2005). The most common mistake relates to ending sounds. This is probably because Vietnamese has no inflectional endings like -ed and -s/es and the ending consonants in Vietnamese are not pronounced, so Vietnamese learners easily make mistakes in pronouncing English final consonants. They may be confused about /t/ and /d/ for the past form -ed or /s/ and /z/ for the inflectional ending -s. They even sometimes do not enunciate those ending sounds at all. This article reports a study aimed at improving the students’ spoken English through promoting their autonomy. The study was aimed to explore how effective some extra measures are in improving students’ pronunciation in the Speech Training course at Quy Nhon University. The research questions are: 1. To what extent can the application of Shadowing and Directing Effective Feedback help improve the English majors’ pronunciation? 2. What implications can be drawn from the experiment? 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 2.1. The Speech Shadowing Technique The Speech Shadowing Technique (also Shadowing) is a language learning method developed by Alexander Arguelles, an American Professor, who defines Shadowing as “an advanced learning technique where you listen to a text in your target language, and then speak it aloud at the same time as the native speaker” (Argüelles, 2009a). Tamai (2002, p. 181) sees Shadowing as “an act or task of listening in which the learner tracks the heard speech and repeats it as exactly as possible while listening attentively to the incoming information”. Generally, Shadowing is learning by imitating an auditory source as model. In his “Shadowing Discussed”, Arguelles (2009b) states that this technique is very effective to learn new languages because: it helps in better pronunciation; it improves vocabulary; it gains fluency of the language; and it creates an impression of the sentence structures in mind. Murphey (2004, p. 21) suggests three kinds of Shadowing: l Complete Shadowing: Using this Shadowing, learners are to imitate every single word spoken by the model. l Selective Shadowing: Here, there is a selection of what the model says to shadow. Usually, only key inputs are chosen to imitate. l Interactive Shadowing: With this type, practitioners are allowed to add their own comments into the original conversation to make it more natural. 2.2. Directing Feedback Technique Hattie (1999, p. 9) describes Feedback as “the most powerful single moderator that enhances achievement”. Similarly, Gibbs & Simpson (2004, p. 2) state that Effective Feedback is “more strongly and consistently related to achievement than any other teaching behavior [...] this relationship is consistent regardless of grade, socioeconomic status, race, or school setting. Feedback can improve a student’s confidence, self-awareness and enthusiasm for learning” and finally, they add that “feedback is something that every student can benefit from, whether it is offered digitally, verbally, or through the traditional written annotations on an assignment”. According to Winstone and Boud (2019, p.9), to be effective, feedback should be educative, be timely, consider the individual needs of the student, and be aimed at a specific skill or knowledge. 2.3. Phonetics and Phonology: Relevant aspects The presentation of the following basic issues in English phonetics and phonology is heavily based on the widely-circulated coursebook ‘English Phonetics and Phonology’ by Peter Roach (2004). 36 TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC QUY NHƠN KHOA HỌCTẠP CHÍ Tạp chí Khoa học - Trường Đại học Quy Nhơn, 2019, 13(6), 33-42 2.3.1. Stress Stress, as defined in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2018), is “an extra force used when pronouncing a particular word or syllable”. The stress placed on syllables within words is called word stress or lexical stress, as in ‘holiday, a’lone, admi’ration, confi’dential. There is no rule about which syllable is stressed in a word with more than one syllable. Learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) will need to learn the stress of words by heart. The stress placed on words within sentences is called Sentence stress or prosodic stress. In spoken language, grammatical words (auxiliary verbs, prepositions, pronouns, articles,) usually do not receive any stress. Lexical words, however, (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs,) must have at least one stressed syllable. For example, The ‘children are ‘waiting for their ‘teacher. 2.3.2. Final consonants Roach (2004, p. 35) states that “Consonant is a basic speech sound in which the breath is at least partly obstructed and which can be combined with a vowel to form a syllable”. Consonants may occur at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word. Final consonants include -ed-ending and -s/es-endings, which are usually referred to as ‘inflectional endings’. 2.3.3. Consonant clusters Structurally, an English syllable consists of an onset, a center, and a coda, with the onset and the coda being optional. Whereas the center is always realized by a pure vowel or a diphthong, the onset and the coda is realized by one or more consonants, referred to as consonant clusters. For example, spy, stay, sky, sphere, small, snow, sleep, swear, suit; ‘split’, ‘stream’, ‘square’; bump, bent, bank, belt, ask; bets, beds, backed, bagged, eighth etc. 2.3.4. Connected Speech Connected speech is spoken language used in a continuous sequence, commonly used in casual, informal conversations. There is often a significant difference between the way words are pronounced in isolation and the way they are pronounced in the context of connected speech. Roach (12:35) introduces four aspects of connected speech: Elision, Assimilation, Linking, and Intrusion. 3. METHODOLOGY 3.1. Research design In order to address the aim and objectives, an experimental design was used to measure the extent of effectiveness of the chosen techniques. This is also a mixed-methods study, in which the data were collected both qualitatively and quantitatively. After considering various ways to upgrade the students’ English pronunciation, we decided to employ the Speech Shadowing technique in combination with the Directing Effective Feedback technique as the measures to enhance students’ pronunciation. 3.2. Participants The experiment was carried out on two pedagogical classes of 67 first-year English majors (Course 41th) at Quy Nhon University. Forty-three students in the treatment group (Class A) had an extra pronunciation exercise to record and got the teacher’s feedback on their performances weekly while 24 students in the control group (Class B) did not. A Welch’s t-test (Welch’s Test for Unequal Variances) revealed that there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of the three pronunciation skills investigated prior to the experiment (p > 0.05). 3.3. Instruments 3.3.1. Pre/ Post-Test In order to assess the participants’ pronunciation, a pre-test was given to the two groups right before the Speech Training course started, in which the students were required to read aloud a printed short dialogue after a preparation of 10 minutes. 37 QUY NHON UNIVERSITY SCIENCEJOURNAL OF Journal of Science - Quy Nhon University, 2019, 13(6), 33-42 For the sake of the test’s reliability, the same dialogue was subsequently used as the post-test in the last week of the course. All of the participants’ performances during the Pre/Post- test were recorded with a mobile phone for later analysis. Both the pre-test and post-test were accessed by the instructor of the course, according to the same rubrics. Although all the phonetic and phonological features in the dialogue produced by the English- majors of the groups are examined, only the following aspects were taken into consideration in the survey: the pronunciation of Ending Consonants, Connected Speech; Sentence Stress. The participants’ performances were all recorded with mobile phones. The audio files were then labeled as A n .Pre or B n .Pre (for those of the pre-test) and A n .Post or B n .Post (for those of the post-test). These were analyzed afterwards in terms of the sentence stress, connected speech and the pronunciation of final consonants. A represents experimental group; B represents control group, and n indicates the ordinal number of the participants. 3.3.2. Materials During the course of ten weeks, ten short texts or dialogues were chosen as the extra weekly pronunciation task for the students in the treatment group to shadow. The five first texts ranges from 50-88 and the last five are of 97- 139 words, all of which were taken from the course books of Speech Training and Language Skills 1.1-1.2 (Handcock, 2003; Falla & Davies, 2012a; Falla & Davies, 2012b) since they are appropriate to the participants’ level in terms of vocabulary and the audio files are all high quality recordings by native English speakers with enough clarity and medium speed. 3.4. The Experiment During the course of the experiment, a mixed utilization of informal, formative and constructive feedback is mainly used in chats on Facebook messengers to grasp areas of weakness or strengths, and to encourage a focus on future improvement. Formative feedback helps students to improve and prevent them from making the same mistakes again. The experiment spanned through one semester. 3.5. Data analysis Although all features of phonetics and phonology in the texts that the treatment group performed were examined and fed back, only mistakes relating to Sentence Stress, Final Consonants, and Connected Speech that both groups revealed in the two tests by both groups were analyzed and reported. In case of Connected Speech, the items in the sub-group Natural, are in fact, not exactly mistakes, but refer to the fact that the students could connect words naturally as native speakers. Next, the data were processed with the software IBM SPSS Statistics 20, of which the Welch’s t-test determined whether the two groups were statistically different after the treatment, while The Wilcoxon Sign Rank test showed whether there was any significant difference in the mean scores within the group under the experiment itself. 4. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 4.1. Results of the Treatment and Control Groups in the Post-test The study is aimed to explore whether the two techniques applied affect the performance of the treatment group in terms of Sentence Stress, Connected Speech and Final-word Consonants as compared with that of the control group. To this end, the Welch’s t-test was conducted with independent variables being the conditions (treatment versus control) and dependent variables being Sentence Stress, Wrong Connected Speech, Unnatural Connected Speech, Natural Connected Speech, -ed-Ending, s/es-Ending and Redundant -s-Ending of the post-test. Table 4.1 below presents students’ scores on all measures in the post-test. 38 TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC QUY NHƠN KHOA HỌCTẠP CHÍ Tạp chí Khoa học - Trường Đại học Quy Nhơn, 2019, 13(6), 33-42 Table 1. Results of the Post-test of the Treatment and Control Groups Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Sentence Stress Between group Within groups Total 15.195 180.656 195.851 1 65 65 15.195 2.779 5.467 .022 Wrong Connected Speech Between group Within groups Total .596 25.703 26.299 1 65 65 .596 .395 1.507 .224 Unnatural Connected Speech Between group Within groups Total .904 101.275 102.179 1 65 65 .904 1.558 .580 .449 Natural Connected Speech Between group Within groups Total 11.767 228.950 240.716 1 65 65 11.767 3.522 3.341 .072 ED Ending Between group Within groups Total .153 20.563 20.716 1 65 65 .153 .316 .485 .489 S/ES Ending Between group Within groups Total 11.689 258.819 270.507 1 65 65 11.689 3.936 2.936 .091 Redundant-S Ending Between group Within groups Total 1.692 126.965 128.657 1 65 65 1.962 3.982 .866 .356 Figures in Table 1 show that after the treatment, there was a statistically significant difference between the treatment group and the control group in the scores of the Sentence Stress (p = 0.022 < 0.05). The mean scores for each group in Table 2 below confirmed that the experimental group made significantly less Sentence Stress mistakes than the control group. Table 2. Pre-test and Post-test Mean Scores of Sentence Stress N Pre-test Post-test Mean Std. Deviation Mean Std. Deviation Sentence Stress Treatment Group 43 3.07 2.685 1.47 1.638 Control group 24 4.33 3.749 2.46 1.719 Total 67 3.52 3.140 1.82 1.723 To gain more insights into the mean scores of the treatment and control groups in the Post- test, let us have a look at Table 3. 39 QUY NHON UNIVERSITY SCIENCEJOURNAL OF Journal of Science - Quy Nhon University, 2019, 13(6), 33-42 Table 3. Descriptive Statistics on the Post-test across Groups Measures Conditions N Mean Std. Deviation Sentence Stress Mistakes Treatment Control 43 24 1.47 2.46 1.638 1.719 Wrong Connected Speech Mistakes Treatment Control 43 24 .51 .71 .703 .464 Unnatural Connected Speech Mistakes Treatment Control 43 24 .67 .92 1.017 1.586 Natural Connected Speech cases Treatment Control 43 24 2.79 1.92 2.065 1.472 ED Ending Mistakes Treatment Control 43 24 .56 .46 .548 .588 S/ES Ending Mistakes Treatment Control 43 24 2.84 3.71 1.902 2.156 Redundant-S Ending Mistakes Treatment Control 43 24 1.42 1.75 1.159 1.751 The highest mean score (3.71) was registered when the comparison students make more -s/es-ending mistakes in the post-test. A closer look at those figures revealed that the mistakes students make the most is the final consonant mistakes with s/es-ending accounting for the highest mean score of the three subtypes regardless of the conditions they were assigned into. 4.2. Results of the Treatment Group in the
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