A literature review on using the first language in a second or foreign language classroom
The paper seeks to review on the use of a first language or a mother tongue (L1) in a
second or foreign language (L2) classroom. The report examines permissible frequencies,
practical purposes and influential factors of the L1 employment in the L2 classrooms. The
findings provide that (i) there are mixed results of L1 use among novice and experienced
teachers or low-level and high-level students and among different language teaching approaches
followed by (ii) three main categorized reasons facilitating the role of L1. The review further
suggests strong factors influencing the use of L1, namely task types, proficiency levels, teaching
experience, timetabling, pedagogical tools, learning strategies, teachers’ beliefs and learners’
perceptions. The review closes with conclusion and classroom implications.
l decisions. Indeed, there are two beneficial pedagogical strategies encouraging the production of target language presented by Carless (2008), namely language monitor and incentives. Since there have been contradictory perceptions and beliefs on the L1 use among teachers and students, there is a necessity of a clearer institutional policy on the inclusive use of L1. By doing this, teachers are seemingly able to measure their perceptions of L1 inclusion compared with the institutional policy, to eliminate their ambiguity as well as to increase their efficacy. Furthermore, the emergent use of L1 occurring inevitably in a L2 classroom helps instructors, policy makers and language learners develop an awareness of natural occurrence of L1 in a classroom context (Moore, 2013). As a result, a method possibly optimizing the benefit of L1 and providing a framework of appropriate time of L1 use in the L2 classroom should be presented (Samar & Moradkhani, 2014). REFERENCES Anh, K. H. (2010). 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