963 bài Essays mẫu - Phần 9
People want to eat at restaurants because of three reasons. Firstly, they will have a chance
to enjoy a variety of food. Everyone has different favorite dishes and restaurants may
satisfy all tastes of its customers. Secondly, sometimes people go to restaurants so that
they have a private space to discuss something. Many people think that it is easier to do a
business when they eat and negotiate at the same time. In fact, a number of negotiations
take place successfully at restaurants. Thirdly, someone says that it takes a lot of time to
cook at home. Therefore, they prefer to eatat food stands in order to save time.
I would explore only a few primary ones here. The main problem with this argument is that it is ignorant to the basic factor that it is easy For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org to make traffic congestion and difficult to find parking in our neighborhood. This is everyone concern. Our neighborhood streets are narrow, with parking on both side and few garages attached to the house. Most of us depend on finding a space to park on the street. Now if we build a new restaurant, more cars traveling through the neighborhood could cause a lot of traffic. In addition, if there is not enough parking in the restaurant, they might look for and compete for parking space that belonged to us near our home Another reason why I disagree with the above statement is that I believe we would lose our greenbelt which is the site for a restaurant. If a new restaurant is built or offered enough parking for the customers, it will be ever worse. That means the more space they occupy, The more greenbelts (park) we lost. We love that park so much. Mother with young children gathers there every morning for their kids to play together. People take a walk after dinner. On weekend, it is a place for picnics and relaxation. These are disappeared with a restaurant built. In a word, in spite of the fact that there may be a couple of advantages to a new restaurant. Such as it would provide the jobs of the restaurant, I still feel that the disadvantages are more obvious: traffic congestion and loss of the greenbelt. Taking into account of all these factors. We may reach the conclusion that we do not need a new restaurant in our neighborhood. Essay 129 Topic 13 Do you prefer to eat out or at home? Where to eat is a necessary and important question we have to consider everyday. Some people seem to think it is more convenient to eat at food stands or restaurants; others tend to prefer to prepare and eat food at home. I have developed my own point of view, I support the latter opinion for three reasons as follow. To begin with, eating at home is cheaper than eating outside. There is the cost of service and decoration, so people would be asked more money when they eat at restaurants. However, we can save this part of cost, and eat the same quality food at home. For example, if I eat a steak, I will need to pay at least twenty US dollars. I also can enjoy a steak meal if I spend about ten dollars making it by myself. In addition, food in people`s own homes is cleaner. Actually, we cannot control the situation if the restaurant`s kitchen is clean. What we only can do is eating at home, because we can ask ourselves notice the cleanness of kitchen and the freshness of food. Eating at home is healthier for us, so people should choose this option. Last but not least, it can save a lot of time if we prepare food by ourselves. We only have to go to the supermarket once a week, and spend less time making simple cooking everyday. Take my sister as an example. She likes cook by herself. Therefore, she doesn`t have to look for and decide what she wants to eat everyday. The life habit helps her save For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org a lot of time, so she advices me to be used to eat at home. Of course, there must be some arguments on the opposing position. Nevertheless, for the valid reasons I have presented above, I believe preparing and eating food at home is a wonderful choice. Essay 130 Topic 13 I prefer to prepare and eat food at home. I like to take this stand because of the following reasons. My first reason is health. Food is a very good source of infections leading to many hazardous diseases. So eating a healthy, nutritious food is very essential to increase the expectancy of an individual. I think homemade food is more healthy and nutritious. The reasons for this are: 1. We make sure that the ingredients we use to prepare the food are clean and thus free from germs. 2. We can use very nutritive substances like certain vegetables or meat according to individual caloric needs. My second reason is cost or money. Preparing and eating food at home is highly cost effective, when compared to eating at a restaurant or food stand. For example, if we buy vegetables for about 20$, we can cook food at home for at least 2 weeks, but for the same 20$, if we eat at a restaurant we can eat for hardly 3 days. My third reason is family gathering. When we prepare and eat food at home, the whole family gathers at the dining table. We can use this time to talk about our daily activities and share the happy moments. My fourth reason is satisfaction. Some people, including myself enjoy cooking. I like to try preparing new recipes and learn different styles of cooking. While preparing food at home, we get a chance to sense the good aroma. After doing all the hard work, if the dish we prepare turns out to be good, the satisfaction that we get is immense. We feel very happy that we could prepare a healthy, nutritious and delicious food to someone we love. Life today has become very fast and mechanical. So there is not enough time to prepare food at home. So, in this lifestyle people prefer to go to food stands and restaurants. It is good to eat in food stands and restaurants only occasionally. I think, on a daily basis, it is good to prepare and eat food at home. Life is short and we have to make the most out of it. So, for the health, happiness and satisfaction I can give to myself and my loved ones, I prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Essay 131 Topic 13 It is a fact that in these days more and more people eat at food stands or in restaurants. I prefer to prepare and eat food at home. But it is not always easy to cook your own meals. In modern societies role patterns have changed. Many women are not only at home and are responsible for house and cooking. They have to go to work either because they need the money to afford their standard of life or they want to go to work because they like to earn their own money. Many women also have a good education and are not satisfied with staying at home and are driven to reach their individual goals. I also love my profession and would not like staying at home and only doing homework. But For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org nevertheless I think it is important to be conscious about what we eat. It is also a fact that fast food can lead to difficult health problems. In addition many people suffer from obesity. When I cook my own meals I can decide what ingredients I use. Another reason why I prefer to prepare food at home is that there is time to sit together with the family. It is a fix time of day where we all sit together at the table. In my opinion this daily routine is very important for children and helps to rise a feeling for the family, Although I know that it is not always possible to prepare my own meals and we of course sometimes have lunch or dinner at a restaurant or a food stand, in generally I prefer to prepare food at home for this reason. Essay 132 Topic 13 I prefer to prepare and eat food at home. I like to take this stand because of the following reasons. My first reason is health. Food is a very good source of infections leading to many hazardous diseases. So eating a healthy, nutritious food is very essential to increase the expectancy of an individual. I think homemade food is more healthy and nutritious. The reasons for this are: 1. We make sure that the ingredients we use to prepare the food are clean and thus free from germs. 2. We can use very nutritive substances like certain vegetables or meat according to individual caloric needs. My second reason is cost or money. Preparing and eating food at home is highly cost effective, when compared to eating at a restaurant or food stand. For example, if we buy vegetables for about 20$, we can cook food at home for at least 2 weeks, but for the same 20$, if we eat at a restaurant we can eat for hardly 3 days. My third reason is family gathering. When we prepare and eat food at home, the whole family gathers at the dining table. We can use this time to talk about our daily activities and share the happy moments. My fourth reason is satisfaction. Some people, including myself enjoy cooking. I like to try preparing new recipes and learn different styles of cooking. While preparing food at home, we get a chance to sense the good aroma. After doing all the hard work, if the dish we prepare turns out to be good, the satisfaction that we get is immense. We feel very happy that we could prepare a healthy, nutritious and delicious food to someone we love. Life today has become very fast and mechanical. So there is not enough time to prepare food at home. So, in this lifestyle people prefer to go to food stands and restaurants. It is good to eat in food stands and restaurants only occasionally. I think, on a daily basis, it is good to prepare and eat food at home. Life is short and we have to make the most out of it. So, for the health, happiness and satisfaction I can give to myself and my loved ones, I prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Essay 133 Topic 13 It is a fact that in these days more and more people eat at food stands or in restaurants. I prefer to prepare and eat food at home. But it is not always easy to cook your own meals. In modern societies role patterns have changed. Many women are not only at home and are responsible for house and cooking. They have to go to work either because they need the money to afford their standard of life or they want to go to work because they like to earn their own money. Many women also have a good education and are not satisfied
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