963 bài Essays mẫu - Phần 59
Before making a final decision of whether to spend all money to go on vacation or to buy
a car, my friend would probably ask me for an advice. This quite interesting situation,
since I like traveling and driving so much, butI will try to compare advantages of these
two enticing opportunities. After all discussing points, I will choose the most appealing to
me, which would be very supportive advice for my friend`s final decision. Lets begin
with the choice of going on vacation. Usually, according to my friend`s tastes and views,
she might choose to go to exotic and sunny places such as Hawaii, Miami and other
world-known vacation spots. It would not be a problem to buy a ticket and a room at a
hotel for only a certain amount of time.
g, he argue with them as an equal, rather than turn to some mere clich about respect for elders. Last but not least, a good parent helps the children when needed. The parent should first know when the children most need the support from their parents. In some occasions, the children are better to be left to make decisions themselves to be better prepared for their adult life. Yet in some crucial cases, parents should hold the helm for their children to avoid deleterious results of teenage passion. A supporting but not officious parent is an invaluable asset for a growing personality. All in all, though there are no definite For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org standards of a good parents, some preliminary requirement can be listed, those listed above among the rest. The principle is that he should be a respectable citizen first, then he must do his best to promote the best interest of his children. Essay 896 Topic 180 Why movies are so popular? In this busy world where every one is after their work, there are only a few things that can give them little relaxation and movie is one such thing. Movies have become popular all over the world. There are many reasons for movies acquiring high priority in our society. I would like to illustrate my reasons as follows. Movies become popular mainly because of the story it carries. Some people would watch movies that are full of fun to get their tensions released, while some would love movies that have got something to do with their lives. It`s a media through which a person can convey an important message to the society in a very interesting way. Every human being would like to understand the intricacies of life and would love to understand the problems and solve it, in his own way to get out that difficulty. Movies bring in front of a person the different circumstances / situations that one might encounter in a society and the after effects of that if we do not handle them in a sensible manner. It also teaches him how to remain careful of the situations and the way in which he has to cope up if such things arise in his life. Movies also depict a countries social culture and tradition and while watching such films we would also feel worthy of the country in which we live. It`s a way by which we can represent our country in other countries and make them feel how nice our country is. Movies that find their way into the international festivals boost our country`s fame and give outsiders a feeling that we are also make movies of their standard. This is an era where every one wants to make money and earn fame in their areas of work. Every person has got certain limitations in the duration of work, which he can perform in a day. After that he would like to enjoy the fun and joy that life has in store for him and without any effort he can go to a cinema hall and enjoy a movie of his interest. This would help to release his stress and he gains energy for the next days work. If the movie has offered him what he wanted, then would not mind watching and enjoying it once more. He will be discussing about the films with his colleagues and they would also go and watch the movie. This is how a movie becomes popular. This is from the customers or watchers viewpoint. If we look it from the makers point of view, we would be able to understand that a movie becoming popular has lots to do with his career. If he could make a true story which everyone appreciates then, he would become more confident and would try to do films that has substance in it. Again it is from the peoples feed back that he will be knowing about the success of his film. This in turn helps him to excel in his field and he attracts the attention of all the critics and his movies would receive wide publicity and popularity. For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org I would rather say that movies take a person to a world where he can learn many things and at the same time provide him an atmosphere in which he can enjoy and have fun. In other words movies are able to offer a person what he needs, in a time when he needs the most. Moreover its not so costly and is within a affordable range. Apart from that it presents a person a good mind set up within a limited period of time. All the above mentioned factors in one way or the other contribute towards the popularity of the movies all over the world. Essay 897 Topic 180 Why movies are so popular? Movies act as thresholds to entertainment. They provide the people with latest trends occurring during a specific point of time. They help to overcome the tension and stress by watching them. Movies help people in myriad ways such as knowing the economic condition of the country, knowing the technological developments of a country etc. Apart from these above reasons, they are various other reasons which make them popular. Movies act as doorstep in viewing different countries with in a limited about of time by sitting and relaxing at a specific place. Through movies we can enjoy the scenic beauty of various countries. We come to know the way of living of the people of a particular country. Apart from these, movies give us an idea about the bonding that exists between various members of a family in different cultures. For example a movies by name ishta?in south Asia depicts the chemistry that exists between a wife and husband, brother and sister, mother and sister etc. We can learn many good things from movies. Movies also act as database for knowledge. They help to know the latest inventions that took place in a country. For example in movie hiru?it showed how cooker was invented. These movies help the latest generation to know about history and culture with out much research. By watching movies, one tries to depict oneself in the character and tries to change himself if he is wrong. It portrays the life of the rich as well as the poor. It can also be treated as time pass. It helps to know the roles of various important people in the work such as the role of president, the role vice president, the role of governoe etc. So based on the aforementioned reasons, and I feel that movies are popular. They play pivotal role in shaping the people of the country. Movie plays an important role in communicating good and bad to the society. Essay 898 Topic 180 Response to Topic 18 Movies provide a variety of entertainment for people, so it is a reason why movies are so For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org popular. Through different kinds of movies, such as comedy, fiction, action, and documentary, people can enjoy laughing, create images, satisfy visions, and learn truths in the life or realize historic events. Movies also involve the audience in interesting adventures which people want to do but cannot. This industry not only satisfies people's curiosity but also carries out their dreams which do not happen in real life. Certainly, the remarkable point is the actors or actresses, most of whom are handsome or beautiful, having crazy fans to follow them, leading audiences into the movie theater because of their amazing performances. At least it is one of the reasons why I choose a film, in which my favorite performer plays. In addition, a soul character in a movie is the director, who decides how it should be made and performed. The executive control both quality and quantity in the movies. Because of their excellent performances, people are compelled to go to the theater. From fantastic science fiction to bio-pic, the masses can see all of them in the movies. A superior movie, an art, is worth appreciating; therefore, people are willing to spend two or more hours staying in front of it. The entertainment industry brings people both psychological and intellectual enjoyment; no wonder movies are so popular. Essay 899 Topic 181 Should lands be developed or left in their natural conditions? Nowadays more and more lands are replaced by industrial factories or houses. The number of sky scrapes is increasing rapidly and wild environment is ruined by human activities. Although no one can deny need for house and shelter, most of today`s building and forest destroying is because of selfishness of human being. In my country, Iran there is more need for land to be left its natural condition, because we need fresh air, natural environment and more than modern building or building new factories. I live in the most polluted city of the world, Tehran. Unfortunately, the number of population who migrate from country to Tehran is increasing daily, consequently demanding for house and food and job is increasing. The Empty lands are built for this huge number of population and also many factories are founded to create jobs. In fact we face a crowded city with many sky scrape and huge building which like monsters can be seen in the city. Furthermore, much forest has destroyed and many trees and plants have cut down just because of stupid behavior of human. No one pay attention to healthiness of people. Besides of house, people need fresh air and diseases are gifts of pollution. In my opinion, trees and forests are valuable nature for human and no one should destroy them easily and because of greed not need. At last but not least, I strongly believe that we are responsible for next generation. Many of the natural conditions back to thousands of years and we should care of them. Maybe because of human activities and house building they vanish forever. Next generation deserves fresh air, green and beautiful environment and pure water instead of smoke, gas and high buildings. These are the first rights of human being to be alive.
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