963 bài Essays mẫu - Phần 54
Finally I conclude that complaining in person about a product or poor service gives
effective results rather than complaining in writing.
Essay 813 Topic 160 Complain in writing vs. complain in person
Whenever a situation comes up that a person is unhappy with a service or a product
he/she may choose one of these alternatives. The first one is to write a letter to the related
division of that enterprise, and the second oneis to complain in person. The question is
that which of these two ways works out better?
s no difficulty for a farmer, a blacksmith or someone else to fulfill his job, For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org even if he did not know one word. People in old ages learned knowledge by experience or by passing the knowledge orally. Books were not popular at that time. As time goes by, things changed and the ability to read and write became an indispensable part of the formal education of children. It is more popular that people learn knowledge from books. In order to become an ordinary engineer or a technician, one must go to school and learn knowledge from textbooks. An illiterate person in today's society can do nothing because he can rarely learn anything useful. What is more, one will find that it is very hard for him to communicate with others if he cannot read or write. In current society, newspapers and journals are so popular and become the most important way one makes himself informed about all kinds of things happen all over the world. While in the past, one got to know things happen around themselves by taking to each other, having nothing to do with reading or writing. Admittedly, in some cases, one can still live well not reading or writing. For example, there are still some aboriginals in some rare area in mid-Africa or somewhere else. They live in their own village, without any communication with the world outside. But it seems that they just persist on the old style of live, and are not belong to the modern society. Were they brought to the world outside, they can hardly get used to the new environment, because they cannot read or write, and thus lose the possibility to communicate with others. In sum, it is more important for one to posses the ability to read and write today than in the past, thus we should pay more attention on training of these abilities. Only is this way can we make ourselves more adapted to the modern society. Essay 824 Topic 163 essential living tools today I believe that the ability to read and write is more important today than it was in the past. This is because in the workplace it is greater demand than ever, because it is greater stigma attached to anybody who lacks this ability, and because the modern society in which we live requires that each of members have this ability. The first and foremost reason that I have chosen to put forward is that the ability to read and write is now essential in the typically workplace. To illustrate this point, there is an example more persuasive: although a person who lacks the ability can still hold down a job, his changes of finding a high-income job are slim. Also, his inability to read and write will leave him with only a menial job to do. In the second place, another chief reason for my view is that there is greater stigma attached to anybody who lacks this ability. For instance, a generation ago, there would have less shame attached to a person's inability to read and write. Furthermore, part of the reason for this is that a generation ago fewer people went to school, and most people who did go to school for a shorter time. Thus, it is easier to get away with not being able to read and write in the past than it is today. Finally, the modern society in which we live requires that each of members can read and write reasonably well. For example, the more literate people are, the better it is for the modern workplace, which needs people who have this skills of reading and writing. In other words, the more widespread literacy is, the better it is for the economy. To sum up, given the reasons discussed above, I believe that the ability to read and write is more important today than it was in the past, because this is more important than ever in the workplace. Moreover, it is greater expectations for people of the society to have this ability. Finally, For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org given how modern society works, it requires more literacy today than it did in the past. Essay 825 Topic 164 What do you do for good health? Health is very important to human being. Without good health, people cannot do something that seems to be very easy. You cannot image someone have problem with their legs jogging everyday morning, or a deaf enjoying music. Undoubtedly, people should try their best to keep healthy, as to myself, I try in three different ways. First of all, try to eat more healthy food, be away from the junk food. Like my mother said :ess oil, less salt, less fat, then you feel great everyday. ?More vegetable, suitable meat, and some bread compose my diet. Then, exercise is part of my life now. Everyday morning, I go jogging for 15 minutes, that makes me less tried, and full of energy. In the weekend, I will go hiking, fishing and swimming with friends. Outdoor activities is a good way to entertain yourself at the same time breathing some fresh air. The last but the most important one is to keep good mental health. Talk to your friends when you feel down, share your happiness with your family, try to solve the problem when you face difficulties, those are ways keeping peace in daily life. It does work on me, and hope same to you. Keeping yourselves healthy is easy to say, and hard to do. I will try my best to live a healthy and happy life. Essay 826 Topic 164 What do you do for good health? One of the most important criteria of development in every community is health quality. Although governments are in charge of providing health in their communities, families have very important role in improving their health. Everyone in every family has an effective role in order to keep himself healthy and help his community to stay healthy. I strongly support the idea of doing exercise for improving health quality. First, people are able to improve their physical health when they get exercise. They can make their body strong. When I go swimming, hiking, or jogging, I can get my body organs such as my lungs, muscles, bones, and heart to act further and become strong, so I will have much healthier organs if I get exercise. Apart from physical health, people are able to improve their psychological health when they get exercise. They are able to make their minds free from all daily problems which involve their minds. When I do yoga every day, I make my mind relaxed and free from all problems, so I feel relaxed and lively and I can socialize with others much better when I meditate by doing yoga everyday. Even more important than physical and psychological aspects, people are able to improve For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org their learning style when they get exercise. They can learn more new information and remember old things when they get exercise. When I go swimming, in fact my heart rate increases, so more blood is sent to my brain in which nerves are fed with more blood involving essential substances for developing nerve connections. Since the more nerve connections, the more brain power, I can remember old things and get more information. I, then, get a lot of exercise to stay healthy. I am able to improve not only my physical, and psychological health but also my learning ability. One important question raised here is how to encourage people in our community to do exercise everyday? Essay 827 Topic 164 What do you do for good health? `Health is wealth` is very much true. One must try hard to remain healthy. If we are healthy, we can easily fight with other problems of life. But if we are unhealthy our most of life will go in fighting with health problem. It eventually leads us to failure. People do many different things to remain healthy. Some go for healthy diet, other recommend exercise, and the rest thinks that health awareness is important. But in my view one must not think and act only on one aspect. People must go for healthy diet, exercise and health awareness. Healthy diet is very important for one to remain healthy. People must take care of their diet. Diet should be balanced. Nowadays Americans are facing a very big problem of obesity. This is due to their unhealthy diet. Most American used to eat in fast-food restaurants. Obesity leads to many health problems like heart attack, blood pressure, cholesterol problem. Fat people can work less and with less efficiency. I am not at side of people who are very strict to their. I sometime eat food for my tongue`s taste too. But most of time I stick to my balance diet which contain fruits, green vegetable, and juices. I always take care not to intake more oily food or sugary food. Sticking to healthy diet put me in great shape and healthy life. Exercise is also important. Nowadays people make lots of excuses for not do exercise. Some have time problem, some have physical problem, some have space problem. But I think these all are excuses. One can find little tome for his or her self for healthy life. Everybody nowadays is busy but taking few minutes out of this busy schedule make lots of difference. I personally prefer Yoga. Yoga not only gives physical exercise but also mental relaxation. Meditation is my favorite. This helps me in concentrating in my work as well as relaxing out of this stress full life. Few minutes of exercise can make lot difference. Health awareness is a factor why people are living more. Nowadays life span of people is increased. People are living longer. This is because of health awareness. Regular medical checkup, clean -tidy life style, nutritious foods are few examples. Previously people eat what they found. But nowadays people read ingredients of food product as well as how many vitamins it contains. I personally select food product according to my needs of
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