963 bài Essays mẫu - Phần 53
First of all, Russia and China used to be two major communist countries in the world and
both countries learned hard lessons from following the stupid (idealistic?) revolution
theory. However, the two countries had differentways getting out of the disasters. China
took economic reform while Russia seemed to put political changes as their first priority.
Over past years, I kept hearing from Western visitors how shining was China and how
dark was Russia. I really want to see the differences, if any, myself.
Having said the above, I believe China may beleading the game in the post-communism
recovery because many Russia people are working in China while many Chinese
businessmen seem doing well in Russia.
techniques. When medical researchers learned bow to prevent disease and stop it from spreading, the quality of life for many people around the world improved. Today smallpox is forgotten disease and vaccinations are no longer required. Polio is under control and the vaccine is widely available. The development of penicillin has helped many people recover from serious illnesses. Although healths care is not universal even in developed countries, it is much better than it used to be. Local clinics, visiting nurses and specialty hospitals have all improved the health care for our communities. If you should be unfortunate and require surgery, you are still lucky to have the surgery For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org today rather than even ten years ago. Now with microscopic and laser surgery, operations are more efficient. You spend less time in the hospital and you recover faster. I cannot think of any other change that has affected the lives of so many people. Our health is important to all of us. We all are thankful for advances in the area of medical science. Essay 808 Topic 160 Complain in writing vs. complain in person Some people prefer to complain in person while others do it in writing. Personally, I prefer both simply because both methods are very convenient. When I want to get something done fast and I want to express my dissatisfaction with something I will definitely complain in person. If I get too nervous or I do not have enough time I will put everything in writing and ambitiously await a response. I think some people prefer to do complain in person because they do not want to wait and they want to take an action. They want to experience the rush that fills them when they about to start complaining. These people want to see the eyes of the ictim?and witness personally what will follow after their complaint has been delivered. Sometimes such people might seem a little bit impatient and rude, but complaining in person is something these people enjoy and take a full advantage of. The downside is that most of the time, for some individuals, it is difficult to summarize what exactly brought them there, and in the heat of the moment, they might completely forget their goal, and possibly offend some people that had nothing to do with it. Putting complains in writing on the other hand allows people to think before they speak. It is a long process and words can be changed at any given moment. Writing is the best way to summarize a certain complaint, and for some people it is a way to communicate and express certain dissatisfaction. It enables shy individuals to achieve something that they would have never achieved other wise. Writing states the complaint in a clear and calm fashion. The content of such composition strictly depends on an ability to put words together and patience of course, since writing is something people have to deal with in their spare time simply because it cannot be composed in one minute. The most wonderful thing about writing is that it almost does not have disadvantages except that people should think carefully before mailing anything. My personal opinion is that people need both ways to express themselves. Our societies are very different from each other, so we all need a choice to be able to complain the way we want to. After all, complaining is a fine art and requires a lot of effort. Essay 809 Topic 160 Complain in writing vs. complain in person From my point of view, there is a whole art of successful complaining. Complaining can be silly and useless, as well it can be ignored and not noticed. Therefore, I believe it should be done in person. For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org First of all, the actual physical existence of a person leaves impression in one, receiving a complain. You can show yourself as an intelligent man/woman trying to improve the product or poor service. In most cases, it will actually lead to positive results and your problem will be resolved. Furthermore, while you are trying to communicate your problem you can demonstrate your actual interest in the area. Hence, a person listening to you will take it much more seriously, than a piece of paper in the mailbox. Moreover, while complaining in person you can fulfill your argument, while proving the point. However, if you are trying to write the letter you might not encounter things that can be raised during the actual argument. As well, from human nature, people usually take things into consideration more seriously if somebody actually pushes them to do that. While, a small powerless letter can be ignored by person, especially if it is written poorly or the person reading it, does not care about his/her duty. As a result, I would advise everybody to conduct their complains only in person. This way your problem will be understood clearly and taken to consideration right away. Therefore, if you want to reach your goal in improving any service or product -- do not be lazy, just spent one hour or two to visit the place or manufacturer yourself and introduce your complain in person two them. Essay 810 Topic 160 Complain in writing vs. complain in person To complain in writing do helps people to reorganize things they want to say and avoid serious face-to-face conflicts. However, I believe that when we need to effectively express our dissatisfaction about the poor service or terrible quality of a product, we have to complain in person. Face-to-face complains help reduce the misunderstanding between the shopkeepers and customers, making the communication run easily. A terrible experience has convinced me that when we complain in person, the shopkeepers or the salesmen would not put our opinion aside. Last year, I bought a skirt in a little shop far away from my neighborhood. When I got home, I found out there were several gray spots on the skirt. I was quite upset about that. So I wrote to the shopkeeper and told him my situation. Three month went by and I did not receive any reply from him. Finally, I decided to go to the shop again and complained to the manager in person. Thanks to that face-to-face complication, I got my rights back--a brand new skirt. Besides, I believe that complaining in person makes communication go more smoothly. Too often, conflicts occur when we cannot talk to people in person. Nonverbal cues and eye contacts play essential roles in communications. Therefore, we can clearly and correctly express things that we want to express. On the other hand, the managers or shopkeepers can reply to us so that we will be able to understand the way they are going to deal with the problem. Undoubtedly, to complain in writing can work out sometimes. Nevertheless, I prefer to complain in person because I believe that this is the best way to solve the problems For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org immediately and effectively. And only through this way can the both sides negotiate and find out ways that both of them accept. Essay 811 Topic 160 Complain in writing vs. complain in person Modern life consists of a number of different services, without which we cannot imagine ourselves. After paying for goods and services we expect a certain quality of them. Therefore, in case we do not get it the way we want, we will decide to complain. By and large, it is not a big difference in the ways of complaining, but I would prefer to do it in person. First of all, it is the fastest way of complaining. You do not need to write a letter, to send it, to receive an answer and so on. On contrast, you can do everything immediately. You can talk to a manager, explain and show what is wrong. Together you can find a fast way of deciding your problem. Secondly, this way of complaining is simpler. You do not need to deal with any official papers or offices. So you have less trouble and save a lot of time. But the negative thing of it is that some people can be really rude to you and you will not get any result from a talk, then anyway you will need to complain in writing. Besides, it is wiser to complain in writing in case you have a very serious problem. Then all things you do are documented and if you need it, you will be able to complain in a court. Our world is not perfect, so there always will be things to complain about. Each case is different, therefore it cannot exist any universal decision. To my mind you can try to talk at first and if you do not be satisfied with it, you can always complain in writing. Essay 812 Topic 160 Complain in writing vs. complain in person When I need to complain about a product or service, I prefer to complain in person. I prefer so because of the following reasons. Suppose that I took a new cable service. After some days, it started to not working properly. Some of the channels were not clear. Then I prefer to complain in person rather than writing. So I would directly go to the customer service of this cable company and I would explain about my problem. i.e. I would have the opportunity to explain my problem precisely to the company. I would also get immediate response. I could also take immediate actions based upon their responses. And also the serviceman would handle with care because they would not want to lose a customer and to get bad reputation. On the other hand, I am not interested to complain in writing because, our letter regarding the complaint about of our product may or may not reach the company because of some postal delays or also there would also a chance of missing our letter. I would also have to wait for weeks or months for company`s response to my problem. There was also a
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