963 bài Essays mẫu - Phần 45
For another, we need a nutritionist on line to tell us how to eat to behealthy. Nutrition is
a science in that nutritionists study how to keep nutrient balance. If you eat too much, too
little or eat something too much, too little, you can all make you sick. We need a
specialist to give us instructions on our diets.
In conclusion, what I want to invent is a cooking machine not only because it can
emancipate us from the time consuming cooking but also because we can get scientific
nutrient instructions in our daily lives.
urthermore, although every child develops at his own pace, all children progress through the same sequence of development in their later life. In the second place, another chief reason for my view is that there is another thing that happens to us at early stage that affects us at the rest of life, and this is the development of our moral sense. For instance, someone teaches us about right and wrong, but later in our early stage we begin to decide for ourselves. It is also during this time that we begin to develop the self-discipline to live according to our morals. Finally, the period of childhood is a very vital stage for the child to grow up, because of this special stage, the main organs of the body and their functions bring to develop and become mature gradually and also their sound foundation change from teenage stage to the later adult stage. To sum up, given the reasons discussed above, I agree the statement that a person's childhood is the most important, because the most rapid development in a human life takes place in these years. Moreover, it affects us at the rest of life and the development of our moral sense. Finally, the period of childhood years is a vital stage for child to grow up. Essay 684 Topic 133 Development of Children Children are a blessing from God to parents. It is a universal fact which no will deny. From the beginning, parents give their utmost care to their children at the time of birth and when they starts to grow. In the initial stages of a child, one starts to feel the surroundings around him and tries to imitate what he observes about the environment around him. Thus, I agree that a person's childhood years are the most important one for a person's life. In his childhood, he tries to adopt some habits that he sees about his parents and relatives. Secondly, as a child comes to a certain age where he becomes a teenager, he starts feeling some physical and mental changes in him. Early years of person's life always remain as a "memorable" to anyone. In this stage, a child starts to imitate his parents in actions and other activities. He adopts the same method of life which he gains from his parents or relatives, etc. For example, in this stage of life, when a child sees his parents using profanity, obscene languages, bad temper, often disruptive to others, etc. This character influences on child's behavior and he also does the same with others or even with one's parents though he does not know what kind of actions is he committing. On the other hand, if parents respect others, being affectionate, gentle and kind words used at home, of good morale and character. This will certainly bring good attitudes in a child and he will reciprocate in a same manner. Moreover, a good or a bad trait of a child becomes a part of his life in future because he becomes habitual to it. With the growth of age, many changes takes place in children's attitude. They start to observe and consider the things more carefully and punctually. Additionally, physical changes also takes place For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org in their bodies. From childhood to a teenage life, they experience many physical changes in their bodies, wet dreams for example. Especially, with the sudden change in today's world, many children experience these feelings at the age of seven. Children try to perceive as to why such changes are they facing. Moreover, they also like to make their own decisions as they become a teenager. This kind of feeling takes place when they pass the childhood years and enter the age of physical and mental changes. For example, at the age of twelve, when he starts facing difficulties, he often asks help from his parents, friends, etc. But, usually, he tries to make his own decision independently but subjected to parent's force on his decisions or other reasons. In conclusion, a person's childhood years are the most important years of his life because he adopts the attitude which he observes, he experiences physical changes in him. And also he adopts such a habit which either remains with him partially or for his whole life. Therefore, I do agree that a person's childhood are the most important years. Essay 685 Topic 133 childhood years are important Which stage of one's life is most important? Some say it is childhood, some think it is adolescence time, and others view it is one's middle age. It is difficult to determine which view is correct because of the different angles of thought of one's life. While, when it comes to me, I claim that the most important years of a person's life are his childhood years (the time from birth to twelve years of age). The most significant reason for me to support my opinion is that a person's main characteristics and personalities are formed during his childhood years. As one is born, he is cared by his parents and other family members, who firstly influence his characters and behaviors, and from them he masters the basic living techniques and the original morals. When he grow up enough to go to school, he contacts with other children and adults, most of whom are different from his families, then he gradually forms his own inclinations and characters. As we all know, those who grow up in good families and whose friends are decent and honest, tend to process many pleasant characters and vise versa. So, we can see the important effects of childhood years in one's whole life clearly. In addition, it may also be noted that childhood years are the happiest and most worriless times in a person's life. Children are always optimistic to his future, for they have not much experience of failures and difficulties. And they also need not worry about their survival because their parents try their best to make a good living condition to them. After childhood years, a person becomes an adult and all sorts of troubles will come to him, so most of people take the childhood as their golden time. In a word, for all I have mentioned above, I can claim again that a person's childhood years are the most important years of his life. So, let our children enjoy their happy and worriless childhood and not put too much study load to them. Essay 686 Topic 134 Should children be required with household tasks? There are two different attitudes towards whether children should help their parents with some household tasks. Some people think children should spend most of their time studying and therefore they should not be required to help with housework. I do not agree For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org with them. I think children should do some household chores as soon as they are able to do so. Through doing these tasks, they will learn their duty, prepare them for the future and lessen their parents` burden. To begin with, children should learn to be duty-conscious. In a family every member has hid or her duty. Children are no exceptions though they are young. By doing some housework, they will learn it`s every one`s business to maintain a family. And what really matters is that they will understand you must fulfill your responsibility when you own your rights. It`s very important for their future. When they grow up, they will become qualified citizens who know their responsibilities in the society. Without duty consciousness, they would become lazy boys and girls in their family and society`s parasites in the future. My second point is that when today`s sons and daughters grow up to adults, they will become parents themselves. After all, they have to balance their works and household tasks. However if they have learnt how to wash the dishes, how to clean rooms and how to make the beds when they are young, things will be easier. In this sense, they are preparing for their own future by doing some household chores. On the other hand, parents will appreciate the work done by their children and be very happy. After a busy day, anyone will feel tired and sometimes depressed. Their beloved son cleaning the rooms will give them a better mood and distract them for their troubled work. If they have to do all the housework after eight hours of heavy work, they would probably regard family as another burden. In a word, both the children and the parents will benefit a lot. However, whether children do so depends mainly in the parents. Children will be children. They need the guide and instructions. Parents should teach their children to do things independently instead of doing for them as if they were pets. Essay 687 Topic 134 Children's Upbringing In ancient times, children were usually put to work at a very early age which was an unbearable task for a child but, they understood the responsibility of the work. At that time, the working task was more physical, farming for example. In today's stage of life, children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so because they will value the responsibilities laid on them, will learn how to work with the family members, he may not depend on others for his household tasks. As the children reach a certain age, parents feel that he must now be given some tasks so that he could understand the responsibility how to work effectively. As a child grows he is able to do all the works by himself and that shows the responsibility he can take. For example, to clean his room, keep all his books and stuff in school bag, go out to stationery for his school needs like pencils, pen, books, etc, sending him to a grocery or a store for household needs. When a child is required to do these household works and others he starts to value the responsibilities he has been provided with. And later on, this becomes
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