963 bài Essays mẫu - Phần 39
Another reason why I choose reading to learn is that books, magazines or newspapers are
all publications, which are formal and scientific. With innumerous researches and
experiments by lots of experts can a book be made out. As far as I am convinced, the
knowledge from a book is believable than something just told by somebody. Naturally,
reading books is the desirable choice to learn.
Last but not the least, learning by reading enable an individual to save a lot of money. On
the one hand, you can find almost all kinds of books or references in the libraries of your
city, and you can read all of them if you want, and the most important thing is that that is
for free! On the other hand, compared withlearning by doing all the things by oneself,
the cost of a book is much cheaper. Thinking about traveling around the world, the air
plane tickets, the bills for hotels and other fee, a book which can tell you all the
interesting places of the world is much more practical. Obviously, reading about
something is superior to other ways to learn.
began to think of his way and tried to follow him to study English. At that time my English skill was very week, but after one year living with him, now I have good English ability and with my high TOEFL score I have just been promoted to a new position-project manager. This is a great point in my life that I got from my new friend. So, from my discussions above, I would like to say that I like to have both kinds of friends. Friends who are similar to me make me always happy and friends who are different from me may give me some great changes in my life. Essay 594 Topic 117 Different friends or similar friends? For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org Everyone has friends no matter many or few. Some people choose friends who are different from themselves; others choose friends who are similar to themselves. They both have some advantages which I will discuss in this essay. For myself, I prefer choose friends different from me better than who are similar to me. First is that the advantages of having friends who are different from themselves. people can learn different life styles from my friends, for example, some of my friends live in countryside, but I never live in countryside. So when we get together, they can tell me something about their life and I can tell them something about my life. Besides that people also can learn some foreign language from their friends. A lot of my friends are bilinguals. They speak Spanish and English of French and English, but I speak Chinese and English. So we can teacher each other our languages. Second is that the advantages of having friends who are similar to themselves. People will easily make friends who are similar to themselves. They are similar to each other. They may be from same country, speak same language. Especially in abroad people are always happy to meet someone from their country or their hometown. Therefore, people are easily to make some friends are similar to themselves. People are also easily to get some helps from the similar friends. Such as me, I get a lot of help though my Chinese friends when I just got Canada. I think because we have similar ideas. My opinion for the friends is I would like to make some friends are different form myself. The reason is that I would like know more about others and something I do not know. If all my friends are similar to me, I know what they will do without their telling because we are similar to each other. They will do whatever I do. Life like that will lose much interesting. In conclusion, having friends are similar to themselves is easily to make friends and to get help; having friends are different from themselves can know more about the different life styles, languages. So for my opinion, I choose the friends are different from me. Essay 595 Topic 117 Different friends or similar friends? I have always believed that choice of friends depends mainly on people`s hearts, not on their minds. That is why some people become friends without having anything in common. In other cases we choose friends so similar to ourselves that we can understand each other much more easier than we do with our closest relatives, such as our brothers or sisters. First of all, I like to emphasize on the fact that it does not matter what kind of man my friend is. I really do not care if he or she possesses a similar temperament to mine or my friend is totally different from me. The only thing, I truly care about, is my friends to be real ones, they should be reliable and I want to be able to count on them as they can always count on me. For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org In addition to above mentioned, I would like to say that having real friends, who are similar to me, has, of course, a lot of advantages. An example for that is my long lasted friendship with a schoolmate of mine who was born thirteen day after me; we are the same zodiac sing; we have the same believes and thoughts. It is very easy to have a friend like this. We understand each other with one word; only a look is enough for me to know what she wants and only a gesture is sufficient for her to `see` what I think. Our friendship does not need to be proven because it exists regardless of time and distance. However, to have a friend who is similar to me is as wonderful as to have one who is absolutely different from me. In this case I can discuss and argue with someone who has diverse opinion from mine. What is more, a person with different ideas and believes may help me to work things out in a different way which I consider really valuable. I think that if friends are not alike they can learn a lot from each other. Another advantage of communicating with friends who are different from me is that will increase my experience in dealing with people on the whole. Comparing the advantages of having friends who are different from me with the advantages of having friends with similar temper my efforts, to determine which kind of friend I prefer, have failed. As I already mentioned the most important qualities of a friend are honesty and reliability. This kind of friend I prefer for myself and I wish this kind of friend to all of you. Essay 596 Topic 117 Different friends or similar friends? Choosing friends is never considered to be an easy thing for most of the people. We spend lots of time on selecting friends and we often carefully measure by ourselves what kind of people should we choose as our friends. Some people choose friends who are different from themselves, while others prefer to having friends who are similar to themselves. Fairly speaking, these two attitudes both have their own advantages over the other. Undoubtedly, there are a number of advantages of choosing friends who are similar to ourselves. One most oblivious thing is that it tends to be easier for people with the same character and personality to get along. They can always feel free when talking with each other and express their own opinions openly without worrying too much about the consequence. Meanwhile, for two friends who are similar with each other in some degree; it will be easier for them to make a decision or build a common view at most of the time, just as most of the people would agree with this boundless proud sense `that is what a friend for`. However, there are also certain advantages people often overlooked of making friends with those who are quite different from you in some ways. For example, this way offers an excellent opportunity for two people to learn from each other. They will discover time by time that there are many merits existing in the other which they lack and can benefit from. Also, this method of making friends will teach people one of the most important For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org life skills, that is, how to successfully interact with those people who are different from yourselves; how to get along with them. Since a lot of the time in our lives, due to working, studying or even traveling, we actually deal with many people who have the completely different personalities or experiences from us. So that it is especially significant for us to develop a communicating skill from choosing friends who are different from ourselves. Personally, I would prefer to choosing those who are in some ways different from me as my friends. For I always hold the belief that the key point in making friends is that we must be able to learn from each other, and therefore making progress together. That is the higher level of friendship I wish to achieve. For a true friend is not just someone who you share fun with, who you tell secrets to or who you search comfort from; a true friend is considered to be someone who can also give you some positive influence and from whom you can always learn from. Essay 597 Topic 117 Different friends or similar friends? When we choose friends, they can have personalities similar to ours or can be completely different from us. If people are similar to us, the mutual cooperation can be an important advantage. If people are different from us, we will see the advantages in the complementation. In this essay, I will compare the advantages of having the two kinds of friends. On one hand, if our friends have personality similar to ours, they empower our skills. In fact, if one friend is similar to us, when we are together, we become stronger, particularly in the way in which we are similar. Two people, who have similar characteristics of personality and undertake something together, have more chances to be successful, especially in those activities that require the characteristics in common to them. On the other hand, if our friends are rather different in personality, they will increase our possibilities of success in those activities in which we need to complement with each other. In fact, when we only have a part of the skills needed to perform a work, we need some help and cooperation from a friend who probably is different from us, but can provide those skills that we fail to have. Summarizing, not only friends who are different from us improve our results in any matter by complementing our skills, but also friends who are similar to us raise our chances of success. Personally, I prefer friends who resemble me because I get along with them instantaneously. Besides, I am the kind of person who feels better in a friendly environment. Thereby although I could get some benefits from a person different from me, I strongly prefer having near a person similar to me with whom, I know, I will have less problems and differences when we share a while. Essay 598 Topic 117
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