963 bài Essays mẫu - Phần 32
Furthermore, a good roommate should also bemagnanimous. As we are still students,
and have not much experience of living with others, we may probably do something that
will hurt our roommates` feeling unconsciously. Without the quality of magnanimity, a
roommate will be easily irritated, and the friendship will be easily broken.
In a word, sincerity, kindness and magnanimity are the three most important qualities of a
good roommate in my mind. Fortunately, I and my roommates all have such qualities,
which has resulted in our cozy dorm and long lasting friendship.
would like to say that dance in spite of being so diverse in the world is actually a form of secularism bringing and holding the whole world together with it`s threads of love and specific style of culture. Essay 485 Topic 95 Should government spend money exploring outer space or on Earth? I agree with both the opinions. Governments worldwide should distribute their money on both the issues. I think outer space is beyond a fairyland and one has to study it find the answers for several unanswered questions. How Earth is formed? About existence? etc. Another important aspect of space exploration is to find any threats to Earth from celestial bodies. For, sure these sound highly imaginative and fancy concepts, but Comet Shoemaker- Levy 9 collision with Jupiter is no imagination. The value of the data collected by observing the collision is far from our arguments. These days materials developed for building spacecraft`s are used in manufacturing products that help physically challenged people. At the same time if government with a capability of producing spacecraft`s imports all For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org items from pens to car it is of no use. `What good it will do for its country?` is the question that every government should answer before it allots funds over an issue. First government should be concerned with improving the standard of life of its people. This will enable in building a nation with rich human resources. I feel governments, which have a balanced plan and transparency in the above two aspects, will definitely win the hearts of the people. Essay 486 Topic 95 Should government spend money exploring outer space or on Earth? Every year governments spend a lot of money in exploring outer space as well as in improving the living conditions of the poor. Someone may think that why not put the money to our basic needs on Earth instead of the futile attempts to conquer the cosmos? Yes, that sounds practical, but they do not realize that money is not the only thing that matters in our basic needs, and the outer space exploration is not so useless either. Governments` money is an important resource of public construction, health care, education, and security etc. If there were no any outer space research, that will still be the majority of the governments` expenditure. We can see in fact the main problem now is the distribution of this fund among different classes and communities of the society, but not the exact quantity. It`s the complicated social and economic system that causes the difference between the haves and have-nots. Some people drive fancy cars, live in huge houses and hold expensive parties, while some other people are struggling for everyday`s food. Obviously these problems will not be resolved easily just by canceling some outer space projects and put the money into charity work. Instead, we should pay our attention to how to use the money more fairly and efficiently to improve the living standard for all. And that will surely be a long course as our economy, science, technology and society develop. As for our basic needs on Earth, someone might think it has nothing to do with the outer space exploration. They think wrong. We humans have been using the resources of the earth for thousands of years and they are mostly untraceable, like fossil fuel and forest. We are destroying our nature by pollution too. Nowadays these problem has been so urgent about our basic living needs that it cannot be neglected anymore. Outer space is one of the places the scientists are trying to find the solution for many of our energy and environmental problems. By researching other planets and galaxies, we will know much more about ourselves and how to protect and make good use of it. Basic living needs and high technology research are both important parts of the development of a modern society. So we should not think of drawing back the fund for outer space exploration but how to make better use of them to bring us sustainable development. Essay 487 Topic 95 Should government spend money exploring outer space or on For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org Earth? Some people think that government should spend as much money as possible exploring outer space, while others want the government to spend money for our basic needs on Earth. There are arguments for both positions, but in my opinion government should spend substantial amount of money on outer space. Investments in areas related to space exploration are investment in our future. There are a lot of very hazardous industrial factories, that have great impact on the environment and cause global warming effect. We are not capable of living without products, that those factories manufacture - car tires, chemical solutions and many other necessary things. But we can relocate factories, for example, on moon or any other planet in our solar system. But to do it, we need to invest in that area. Space exploration is impossible without investment in science. To build space shuttle you need to hire thousands of engineers, mathematicians, computer programmers. Often things, that were initially developed for space program, are applied for more down-to- earth purposes. For example, high-temperature plastic was originally built for lightweight rockets. Many other challenging tasks were solved, during developments of space program. But there are a lot of unresolved and daunting tasks on earth. For instance, more than third of world`s population live below poverty level, that UN defines at one dollar a day per person. Also to improve ecological situation in large cities we need to invest huge amount of money in developing environmental-friendly engines. One of the most promising technologies for that are fuel cells. In conclusion I want to say, that though we need to invest heavily in space program, we need to balance it with other tasks, for example with financing poverty relieving efforts. But if we want to have a future, we need to explore outer space. Essay 488 Topic 95 Should government spend money exploring outer space or on Earth? Some people think governments should spend as much money as possible exploring outer space, for example, traveling to the Moon and to other planets. Other people disagree and think governments should spend this money for our basic needs on Earth. Personally, I agree governments should spend this money for our basic needs on Earth. The reasons are as below. The budget for every governments is limited. If the governments spend as much money as possible exploring outer space, they will not have a lot of money for our basic needs on Earth. For example, North Korea, the government in this country spends a lot of money for developing the nuclear weapons, but the people in this country do not have enough food to survive. If the governments spend as much money as possible exploring For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org outer space, the resort will as same as North Korea. Besides that, the outer space is always there. It does not show in this moment and then will disappear. Human beings can exploring it at anytime they want to, but right now is not the good time because each country has their problem for their people. Exploring the outer space will spend a huge money. If they can be used in our basic needs on Earth, I think everybody on Earth will have a wonderful live. Therefore, the governments should use those money to fix up the problems they have not for exploring the outer space. In addition, the governments do not need to know the outer space. I always think do well in our own business is more important. Outer space is not our business. Earth is our home. So the governments should spend as much money as they can to make our home more comfortable but not to explore the E. T. `s home. In conclusion, the governments should spend as much money as they can for the basic needs on Earth not exploring the outer space. Essay 489 Topic 96 The best way of reducing stress Modern life has become so demanding nowadays that everyone is facing the problem of stress. In order to escape the stress due to work pressure people try out different ways to become stress free. These include reading, gardening, cycling, playing and many more things as per their choice. For me the best ways to escape stress are listening to music of your choice, going on a short trip and spending time with family. The reasons for the above choices are mentioned below. Firstly, listening to good music is the best way to escape from stress as because it takes us into a different world. While listening to the sweetly composed tunes it makes us forget all the worldly worries. Also we can listen to music anywhere using portable systems. This helps us in avoiding stress whenever we feel so. Therefore I think listening music is a excellent way to avoid stress. Secondly, going on a short trip refreshes us and helps us to escape stress. Whenever we go for such trips we just leave aside our daily routine and just try to relax. We enjoy doing things out of the daily schedule. So this change simply lifts our spirits and helps us to escape stress. Also whenever we spent time with our family, we talk our heart out to our loved ones, listen to their sweet thoughts and play like a child with the young ones. All these helps us releasing all our thoughts which create stress and make us young and fresh at heart. In conclusion, I would like to say again that listening to music, going for a trip and spending time with family certainly releases stress as supported by the above mentioned points.
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