963 bài Essays mẫu - Phần 22
Due to such a large problem, our town has tosuffer a lot. People avoid working in our
town as the industrial growth is also hindered. Also we are not getting enough electricity
as people try to pump the water through pumps.Intellectuals like doctors, engineers also
not ready to face this problem and are leaving the town causing more trouble to the
Now I am fed up of this problem and have firmly decided to foughtlegally against the
government so as to get the earliest resolution of this problem and I hope, I will be
succeeded in my hard endeavors as I am fighting for humanity and I hope my serious
efforts might open the eyes of concerned authorities to pay attention towards the above
mentioned difficulty.
convince that you know all about it better that others. You are the one to enjoy your own life, not anyone else. Essay 329 Topic 55 Should one make an important decision alone? If you always have someone one around who is really helpful, you are lucky and can ask them about your important decisions. But sometimes you have to make important decisions by yourself for several reasons. Sometimes you are alone. For example, when you start to study in a foreign country. Your parents and your friends are not there. Thus you have to make some important decisions by yourself, like if you need to have a part-time job, how to buy a car or if you need to get a loan and how. Those decisions are all important to you, but no one is available to help you that time. Your parents and friends in your own country really don`t know what`s going on, and your new classmates or teachers hardly know you. In that situation, you have to make all the important decisions by yourself. For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org Furthermore, in many situations, the people around you don`t have the same interests as yours. Many parents are like to help their children to decide their futures. If the father is a doctor, he may want his kids to be doctors, too; if the mother was graduated from MIT, she may want his children to send their applications there. In that case, you have to consider carefully by yourself. Do you really interested in what your parents` interests? Maybe you`d rather be an engineer instead of a doctor. That time, you have to make the important decisions by yourself. Although you may find your decisions are wrong at last. And since they are important, the loss will be big so you may want other people to have the responsibility of the possible big mistakes. But you can only learn when it`s you who lead to the failure. Otherwise, you`ll either fail or learn nothing. Anyway, it`s always good to have other people giving you suggestions. Many people there are more experienced in some aspects, and many people there are really care about you. Their advices are usually very useful. But if it seems only you can make the decision, just go on, or you may miss your own interests and regret in the future. Essay 330 Topic 56 Should a company give money to support the arts or protect the environment? Civilization has changed made things in this world. One of the major impacts of this civilization is the use of factories to make goods. These factories differ from each other in many ways. But all of them have things in common. These are: firstly, all have inputs, then all produce the goods, finally all have waste products. It is on these similarities that I bias my discussion. If a newly opened factory has to survive, it should recruit officers to fill up open jobs. And this is most likely done among the community that the factory is built in. Many other kinds of business establishments would be created in association with the new flow of human resource. In addition this factory would compel other kinds of business making opportunities that would boost the economy of that particular community. Furthermore, the community would be benefited from the products of the factory. It would even be better for the community to buy goods from the factory since the price of goods gets more expensive when your moving further away form the source. However, the waste products produced by this factory would be hazardous to the environment the community lives in, there by affecting the community itself. As most of environmental problems, the effect of the waste products of the factory would be gradual and would not be noticed until much damage has been made. Therefore, in the long term, the factory would deteriorate the environment and would ultimately make it unsuitable to live in. I would most likely support the building of a factory if such kind of offer came upon my For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org community. Here I must once again mention the fact that I live in a poor country, which means that a factory would be compulsive. My community would most likely welcome a source of income and might be filled with apathy towards the future. In conclusion a factory may have both advantages and disadvantages. If it were to be built in a community it would be beneficiary and damaging at the same time. Therefore it all depends on the status and perception of the community. Essay 331 Topic 57 Serious movies vs. entertaining movies This is a very flexible topic to argue upon. Both the sides have their own pros and cons. But I would like to argue on the fact that the movies are to amuse and entertain the audience rather than fomenting their emotions and causing them to think. In the following paragraph, I have supported my argument with some examples. Think of a person who is working the entire day. While he returns home, he will be completely exhausted and will start feeling that he leads a very hectic life. At that situation, if he watches a movie which is full of lively pranks and jokes, he will be revitalized like a battery that is being recharged. This is what everyone wants, especially when they are dejected and doomed. On the other hand, when a person watches a movie that is very serious and emotional, it will only raise his tiredness. He will be having a lot of thoughts in his mind, like, what to do nest ? what is my first job when I go to work tomorrow? what are my assignments tomorrow ? what is my account balance? Among all these numerous things, when he watches a movie that contains serious dialects, he will start thinking about those things. This is not the thing that he has to put in mind to relax. Moreover, a movie can be made to convey a thesis in an entertaining way rather than by serious ways. This will do more good for children also. We would have seen many kids who will be imitating their favorable characters. For example, the American kids are greatly moved by the cartoon character called the `Barney`, after seeing which they try to talk in the same accent and style. So children can be molded through their favorite character. The movies can be made to convey a good moral through their famous stars, which will inculcate a deep emotion in them in the right way. On the contrary, when a serious movie is watched by the children, they are left confused and soporific, that the neglect it even when there is a good moral in it. Hence, I conclude that, the movies which are filled with amusement and entertainment will be appreciated by most of the people of all categories. After all, movies are virtual world were impractical things can be put into practicality and ideology. Essay 332 Topic 57 Serious movies vs. entertaining movies For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org Which kind of movies should be chosen, the serious movies or the amusing ones, is a prevalent topic undergoing wide debate. After pondering from several aspects, personally, I prefer the amusing movies. The decision I made is based on that they can give me relaxation, show me how to be humorous, and keep me in good spirits. As we know, firstly the movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain. After a hard working day, all I want to do is to get rid of the fatigue. A amusing movie make me laugh and relax while I am watching it. After the movie, I feel so good that I am ready to take the challenge of the next day. Another reason for my propensity for amusing movies is that I can learn the humorous style they show. A humorous person is always welcome anywhere and anytime. When seeing amusing movies, I find many funny things in them. The ways in which actors speak, also the pose they show, are very humorous. I am affected so much that almost all my friends take it for granted that I can bring them a lot of fun, and no doubt, they like me. Finally I want to mention that the amusing movies give me a good mood by helping me relax and get ride of fatigue. Then I can focus all my energy on my study. So, obviously, we can see how great benefit they give to me. From what we discussed above, we can find the movies that designed to amuse and entertain are really helpful. And I like them very much. Essay 333 Topic 57 Serious movies vs. entertaining movies I have watched many movies. One type of these movies were serious, designed to make the audience think, while other type of these movies were designed primarily to amuse and entertain. If I have to choose which one I prefer, I will choose the first type of movies. That is because these movies are always more instructive than the second type of movies. First of all, I enjoy appreciating the way how the director show me his ideas through the movie. Sometimes, the method the director used may be particular and special. Have you ever seen the movie named Chicago In this movie, what impressed me most is that the director assigned all the actors and actresses act as if they are carved wood figures in a situation of the hostess`s public speech. At first, I thought it was very funny, until I realized that the director wanted to show us that the lawyer in that story controlled all the other people, just like the man who played the wooden figures. Then I was attracted deeper by this movie. Watching this kind of movie is like communicating with the director through the movie. So I love these movies most. Secondly, through these movies, I can learn about something that only some particular people would meet. For example, I have never been to a war. But war actually took place earlier and a number of people in elder ages around me have ever been to a war. If I
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