501Sentence Completion Questions
Introduction ix
Chapter 1 1
Chapter 2 9
Chapter 3 17
Chapter 4 27
Chapter 5 37
Chapter 6 47
Chapter 7 55
Chapter 8 65
Chapter 9 73
Chapter 10 83
Chapter 11 91
Chapter 12 101
Chapter 13 109
Chapter 14 117
Chapter 15 127
ecially unjustly. 455. e. Impetuous (adj.) means impulsive or passionate; characterized by sudden emotion or energy. 456. b. Knave (n.) is a dishonest, deceitful, or unreliable person. 457. e. Scurrilous (adj.) means grossly indecent or vulgar; offensive. 458. b. Obstructive (adj.) means blocking, hindering; obscuring. 459. b. Virtual (adj.) means being in essence or effect, but not in actual fact. 460. d. To palpitate (v.) is to flutter or move with slight throbs. 461. b. Wry (adj.) means ironic, cynical, or sardonic. 462. e. Nonchalant (adj.) means casual, indifferent. 463. d. To wield (v.) means to use, control, or manage, as a weapon, or instrument, especially with full command. 464. c. A sleight (n.) means a trick or feat so deftly done that the manner of performance escapes observation. 465. b. Awry (adj.) means off-course, amiss; turned or twisted toward one side, askew; not functioning properly. 166 501 Sentence Completion Questions 167 466. c. Paraphernalia (n.) are miscellaneous articles needed for particular professions, information, or operation. 467. a. Arrant (adj.) means complete, absolute, utter. 468. a. Guileless (adj.) means to be without guile; straightforward; honest; frank. 469. d. To vivify (v.) means to give or bring life to; to animate. 470. c. Nicety (n.) means precision, accuracy; a subtle distinction or detail; the state of being nice. 471. c. To sequester (v.) means to separate, segregate, seclude; cause to withdraw or retire, as with juries. 472. e. Bemused (adj.) means deeply absorbed in thought; bewildered or perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements. 473. d. To comport (v.) means to conduct or behave (oneself) in a certain manner; to agree, accord, or harmonize. 474. d. Heuristic (adj.) means stimulating further investigation; encouraging learning through discoveries made by a student. 475. e. Virago (n.) means a bold, impudent, turbulent woman. 501 Sentence Completion Questions 169 476. Even though he was only in kindergarten, Joel was very ______ and could intuit when his teacher was not pleased with his behavior. a. obtuse b. oblivious c. inept d. perceptive e. indolent 477. During his many years of hard work, Paul was promoted several times and began to rise through the bank’s ______ of employees. a. declassification b. surplus c. hierarchy d. principality e. dominion Chapter 20 478. The heat was absolutely ______, making everyone irritable, sweaty, and uncomfortable. a. taciturn b. salient c. replete d. prosaic e. oppressive 479. The biology students were assigned the task of testing the ______ , but did not have enough time to prove its validity. a. lexicon b. hypothesis c. motif d. platitude e. genesis 480. It had rained all afternoon, but the fans were still ______ that the baseball game would still be played. a. pessimistic b. sadistic c. optimistic d. domineering e. truant 481. If you have any special needs or requests, speak to Val; she’s the one with the most ______ around here. a. synergy b. clout c. affinity d. guile e. infamy 482. Because Virgil had been so ______ as a child, he had an extremely difficult time adjusting when he enrolled in the military academy. a. fettered b. intrepid c. coddled d. pallid e. odious 170 501 Sentence Completion Questions 171 483. Far from being a ______, Bob gets up at dawn every morning to prepare for a long day at work after which he attends classes in evening. a. moderator b. drone c. replica d. sycophant e. sluggard 484. The vulgarity used by the football fans at the stadium was ______ and eventually lead to a penalty for the team. a. rakish b. quiescent c. sagacious d. reproachable e. mundane 485. After the debate, Karim ______ upon many of the campaign issues in a series of detailed editorials. a. expounded b. ebbed c. doffed d. temporized e. wrought 486. Since the judge hearing the case was related to one of the defendants, she felt she could not offer a truly ______ opinion. a. unbiased b. indifferent c. unilateral d. uninterested e. understated 501 Sentence Completion Questions 487. Abdul found his ten-hour shifts at the paper clip factory repetitive and ______. a. fatuous b. nebulous c. malleable d. indelible e. wearisome 488. Jonelle is a(n) ______ of the kind of student we seek: someone who is both academically strong and actively involved in the community. a. paradox b. exemplar c. catalyst d. mandate e. harbinger 489. Tomas is a(n) ______ businessman who knows a good opportunity when he sees it. a. insolent b. astute c. mercurial d. indifferent e. volatile 490. Sean would ______ whenever it became his turn to do the dishes. a. premeditate b. palter c. reform d. distend e. ponder 491. The barnyard scene outside the 4-H tent made a charming ______ for visitors to the state fair. a. melee b. tabloid c. tableau d. rant e. tangent 172 501 Sentence Completion Questions 173 492. The jellyfish, known for its shimmering ______, is one of nature’s most intriguing creatures. a. resonance b. opulence c. didactics d. omniscience e. translucence 493. A decade after the ______, the members of the tribe began to drift home again, hoping to rebuild the community they had fled during the war. a. kowtow b. redaction c. cloister d. diaspora e. chimera 494. After performing a ______ of the cow, scientists determined that it did not have mad cow disease, and there was no need to notify the board of health. a. extrapolation b. interrogation c. interment d. elongation e. vivisection 495. Charged with moral ______, the judge was called off the case even though he denied receiving bribes from the plaintiff’s counsel. a. lassitude b. restitution c. turpitude d. torpor e. vicissitude 501 Sentence Completion Questions 496. I knew from Inga’s ______ reply that she was offended by my question. a. sinuous b. vivacious c. sinister d. garrulous e. brusque 497. The cult leader’s ______ obeyed his every instruction. a. predecessors b. sycophants c. narcissists d. panderers e. elocutionists 498. The ______wallpaper in his living room makes it difficult to find curtains and furniture that will match it. a. blunt b. fatuous c. verbose d. variegated e. meticulous 499. Homer’s Odyssey was not translated into many people’s ______ until after the invention of the printing press. a. caste b. epicure c. vernacular d. debutant e. nomenclature 500. Don Quixote describes the adventures of a(n) ______ knight who believes that windmills are giants and the barmaid Dulcinea is a princess. a. gregarious b. eloquent c. fickle d. errant e. steadfast 174 501 Sentence Completion Questions 175 501. The ______ espionage plot was so sophisticated it was impossible to believe it was the work of teenage computer hackers. a. simple b. vaporized c. byzantine d. mystical e. fusty 501 Sentence Completion Questions Answers 476. d. Perceptive (adj.) means having the ability to understand and be sensitive to. 477. c. Hierarchy (n.) is a series or system of people or things that are graded or ranked; a group of persons in authority. 478. e. Oppressive (adj.) means unreasonably burdensome; heavy. 479. b. Hypothesis (n.) is a proposition, believed to be probable, which is adopted to explain certain facts and which can be further tested. 480. c. Optimistic (adj.) means taking the most hopeful view; feeling that everything in nature is for the best. 481. b. Clout (n.) means influence, pull, or sway; power or muscle; a strike or blow, especially with the fist. 482. c. To coddle (v.) means to treat with excessive indulgence or tenderness, to baby or pamper. It also means to cook in water just below the boiling point. 483. e. A sluggard (n.) is a person who is habitually lazy or idle. 484. a. Reproachable (adj.) means needing rebuke or censure; in a manner that is severe or cutting. 485. a. To expound (v.) means to explain in detail, elaborate; to give a detailed statement or account of. 486. a. Unbiased (adj.) means completely impartial to, as in judgment. 487. e. Wearisome (adj.) means fatiguing or tiresome. 488. b. An exemplar (n.) is one who is worthy of imitation, a model or ideal; a typical or representative example. 176 501 Sentence Completion Questions 177 489. b. Astute (adj.) means having or showing intelligence and shrewdness; keen, discerning. 490. b. To palter (v.) is to act insincerely; to haggle; to play tricks; equivocate. 491. c. A tableau (n.) is an arrangement of inanimate figures representing a scene from real life. 492. e. Translucence (n.) means the property or state of allowing the passage of light. 493. d. A diaspora (n.) is a dispersion of people from their original homeland, or the community formed by such a people; the dispersion of an originally homogeneous group or entity, such as a language or culture. 494. e. Vivisection (n.) means the dissection of an animal, particularly for scientific research. 495. c. Turpitude (n.) means depravity; any action that violates accepted standards. 496. e. Brusque (adj.) means abrupt, curt, or blunt in a discourteous manner. 497. b. A sycophant (n.) is a servile flatterer, especially of those in authority or influence. 498. d. Variegated (adj.) means marked with different shades or colors. 499. c. Vernacular (n.) means the language of one’s country. 500. d. Errant (adj.) means wandering, roving, especially in search of adventure; straying beyond the established course or limits. 501 Sentence Completion Questions 501. c. Byzantine (adj.) means highly complicated, intricate or involved; characterized by elaborate scheming and intrigue, devious; of or relating to or characteristic of the Byzantine Empire or ancient Byzantium, especially its architectural style; of or relating to the Eastern Orthodox Church. 178 501 Sentence Completion Questions
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