3500 câu hỏi trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 36
151. Fishing have been found to contain a particular type of fat that may
lower blood cholesterol levels.
a. Fishing
b. to contain
c. that
d. levels
→ a
152. Benjamin Franklin’s ability to learn from observation and experience
contributed greatly to him success in public life.
a. ability
b. contributed greatly
c. him
d. in
→ c
153. Industrial lasers are most often used for cutting, welding, drilling, and
a. Industrial
b. most often
c. for
d. measure
→ d
3500 CÂU HỎI TRẮC NGHIỆM TIẾNG ANH-36 800 SENTENCES OF CERTIFICATE C II. FIND THE MISTAKES (400 SENTENCES ) (151-200) 151. Fishing have been found to contain a particular type of fat that may help lower blood cholesterol levels. a. Fishing b. to contain c. that d. levels → a 152. Benjamin Franklin’s ability to learn from observation and experience contributed greatly to him success in public life. a. ability b. contributed greatly c. him d. in → c 153. Industrial lasers are most often used for cutting, welding, drilling, and measure. a. Industrial b. most often c. for d. measure → d 154. Alice Walker is probably best known for her novel The Color Purple, publishing in 1982. a. probably b. for her novel c. publishing d. in 1982 → c 155. Psychologists at the University of Kansas has studied the effects of the color of a room on people’s behavior. a. has studied b. effects c. color d. on people’s → a 156. Montaigne, the illustrious French philosophy, was elected mayor of Bordeaux, which was his home town. a. the b. philosophy c. was elected d. which was → b 157. Certain pollens are more likely to cause an allergic reaction than another. a. Certain b. likely c. an allergic d. another → d 158. Computers have made access to information instantly available just by push a few buttons. a. have b. access c. instantly available d. by push → d 159. Mined over 2,000 years ago, copper is one of the earliest know metals. a. Mined b. ago c. the d. know → d 160. Many of the early word of T.S Eliot expresses the anguish and barrenness of modern life and the isolation of the individual. a. Many b. expresses c. barrenness d. isolation → a 161. The novel reveal the horror, drudgery, and joy of black life in rural Georgia. a. The novel b. reveal c. joy of black life d. rural Georgia → b 162. During wedding ceremonies in the United States, guests are usually silence. a. During b. ceremonies c. guests d. silence → d 163. How the Earth is in the shadow of the moon, we see an eclipse of the sun. a. How b. in the shadow c. the d. an → a 164. The children’s television program called Sesame Street was seeing in 84 countries in 1989. a. The children’s b. called c. seeing d. in → c 165. Some research suggests what there is a link between the body’s calcium balance and tooth decay. a. research b. what c. link between d. and → b 166. Louisa May Alcott infused her own life into the character of Jo in a book Little Women. a. her b. into c. of d. in a book → d 167. Rock music was original a mixture of country music and rhythm and blues. a. Rock music b. original c. country music d. and → b 168. An increasing number of office works use computer programs as daily routine. a. increasing b. of c. works d. daily → c 169. Traveling ballet companies were uncommon before her Augusta Maywood formed the first traveling troupe. a. Traveling b. were c. her d. traveling → c 170. The virtues of ordinary life is the focus of many poems. a. The b. ordinary c. is d. many → c 171. Economic goods often consist to material items, but they can also be services to people. a. goods b. to c. but d. be → b 172. Moby-Dick is a novel that telling the story of a ship captain’s single- minded hatred of a huge while whale. a. novel b. telling c. single-minded d. of → b 173. Earwax lubricates and protects the ear from foreign matter such water and insects. a. Earwax lubricates b. foreign c. such d. insects → c 174. Before creating the telegraph, Samuel Morse made their living as a painter. a. creating b. made c. their d. as → c 175. Some jellyfish make daily journeys from deep water to the surface and back, while others migrate horizontal. a. make b. from deep c. while d. horizontal → d 176. To putting a large amount of information on a map, a variety of symbols must be used. a. To putting b. on c. variety d. must be used → a 177. Before the nineteenth century it was rarely to find organized systems of adult education. a. Before b. it c. rarely d. systems → c 178. Smoking is the number one prevent cause of death in the United States. a. Smoking b. the c. prevent d. of death → c 179. Not single alphabet has ever perfectly represented the sounds of any of Earth’s natural languages. a. Not b. perfectly c. sounds d. any of → a 180. The ozone layer must be protected because it shields the Earth from excessive ultraviolet radiate. a. must be protected b. it c. from d. radiate → d 181. Carbohydrates and fats are two essential sources of energy for animal grow. a. and fats b. sources c. for d. grow → d 182. By passing sunlight through a prism, the light is separate into a spectrum of colors. a. By passing b. through c. is separate d. spectrum of → c 183. In spite modern medical technology, many diseases caused by viruses are still not curable. a. In spite b. many c. by viruses d. not → a 184. Though Pablo Picasso was primarily a painting, he also became a fine sculptor, engraver, and ceramist. a. Though b. primarily c. painting d. fine → c 185. People who live in small towns often seem more warm and friendly than people who live in populated densely areas. a. small towns b. seem c. who d. populated densely → d 186. It took eight years to complete the Erie Canal, the 365-mile waterway which it connects Albany and Buffalo in New York State. a. It b. to complete c. the 365-mile d. which it connects → d 187. Every candidate under considering for a federal job must undergo a thorough medical examination. a. under b. considering c. undergo d. medical → b 188. The masterpiece A Christmas Carol wrote by Charles Dickens in 1843. a. The b. wrote c. by d. in → b 189. Species like snakes, lizards, coyotes, squirrels, and jack rabbits seems to exist quite happily in the desert. a. like b. seems to c. quite happily d. the → b 190. The disposable camera, a single-use camera preloaded with print film, has appeared in the late 1980s, and has become very popular. a. a b. preloaded with c. has appeared d. has become → c 191. Until recently, photocopy machines were regarded strict as business and professional office equipment that required a lot of expensive servicing. a. Until b. were regarded c. strict as d. that required → c 192. Before bridges were built, all transport across major rivers in the United States were by ferryboat. a. bridges b. were built c. were d. by → c 193. Telling a story through letters was a narratively structure commonly used by eighteenth-century novelists. a. Telling a story b. narratively structure c. commonly used d. eighteenth-century novelists → b 194. People in the world differ in his beliefs about the cause of sickness and health. a. differ b. his c. about d. and → b 195. In the 1840s, hundreds of families pioneer moved west in their covered wagons. a. In the b. hundreds c. families pioneer d. their → c 196. When children get their first pair of glasses, they are often surprise to see that trees and flowers have sharp clear outlines. a. When b. pair c. surprise d. have → c 197. The indiscriminate and continual use of any drug without medical supervision can be danger. a. use of b. without c. medical d. danger → d 198. In 1931 Jane Adams was a Nobel Peace Prize recipient for she humanitarian achievements. a. In b. was c. she d. achievements → c 199. Even on the most careful prepared trip, problems will sometimes develop. a. Even b. careful c. trip d. will sometimes → b 200. Many people say that California is a state of geographic remarkable diversity. a. Many b. a state c. geographic remarkable d. diversity → c
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