30 topic related vocabulary for ielts speaking part 3 + writing task 2
Professional athletes train their mind to get rid of negative thoughts and
the fear of failure while at the same time they are able to maintain their
Exercise helps people to have a sound mind and build up mental strength.
It is not rare for athletes to have a bad day which affects their performance for
no obvious reasons. In days like that, there is a slim chance of doing well.
Keeping their mind on the game requires immense powers of complete
Peak performance is usually a combination of determination and motivation.
In order to achieve a goal you should feel motivated and you should not
let distractions disturb your focus.
d physical problems? Anorexia and obesity seem to be different sides of the main coin. Discuss. People are obsessed with their weight and constant dieting. Can you suggest any solutions to this problem? The Elderly Life expectancy is on the increase lately due to the medical breakthroughs that have extended The fact that people are living longer has an impact on society for a number of reasons. It is quite difficult for the elderly to rely only on welfare state and most of them are having a hard time to make ends meet. It is completely illogical to expect people to work until they are 70 years old. They still need to know that they can contribute to society and that they are still able to maintain their independence. Some people live under residential care. It is very difficult for those who are practically immobile to maintain their independence. One of the greatest fears of the elderly is the fear of being neglected not only by society but from their loved ones as well. Questions: In what ways does the increase of life expectancy affect society? How can society help the elderly not to feel neglected? Climate Change As citizens, it is advisable to keep electricity consumption to the minimum and use energy efficient light bulbs. It will make a significant difference if governments economise on the natural resources and take advantage of renewable energy that doesn’t run out The destruction of forests increases at such an alarming rate that governments all over the world should consider a reforestation project as soon as possible. Global warming has severe consequences; the climate change will cause the rise of sea level leading to hurricanes and floods. Deforestation and acid rain have devastating consequences. The emission of toxic gases, such as carbon dioxide, can damage the environment Harmful acid rain is responsible for the contamination of food and water; thus, in this poisonous atmosphere people can never be sure for what they eat, drink, or even breathe. There is the need of an environmentally sustainable plan that will not destroy natural resources and consequently people’s health. Questions: Can you think of any ways the problem of climate change could be solved? What are the consequences of climate change today? If nothing changes, what will the consequences be in the future? Recycling Governments should take effective measures to eliminate the toxic fumes released into the atmosphere by the disposal of waste, especially plastic. It will make a huge difference if all companies used biodegradable plastic for their products, as the disposal of regular plastic is a threat to the environment. Governments should use the media in order to raise public awareness in relation to recycling. Governments should create laws to combat the problem of the disposal of waste and ensure that people abide by these laws through regular inspections. If governments don’t tackle this issue immediately, the consequences are going to be catastrophic in the long run. It is imperative that the issue of waste is addressed so as to reduce the risk to people’s health due to potential health hazards. Questions: What do you suggest as a solution regarding the disposal of electronic devices? Nowadays, most people recycle their waste. Is this enough? What else could be done? Natural Resources Trees play a vital role to people’s health and well-being; the sooner people realise that, the better. Not only do they provide oxygen and improve air quality but they also make the surroundings beautiful—to say the least. Hence, the only solution to the problem of deforestation is reforestation. There is a tendency towards the overconsumption of the earth’s resources whereas governments should focus on ways to make the most of natural energies that don’t run out. There is the opportunity to produce electricity naturally by converting the energy of the sun (solar energy into electricity). Governments should take decisive action in order to tackle the problem of ecologically wasteful products; this toxic trend, which is the result of consumerism, will ultimately lead to an environmental disaster. Questions: The energy wasted by the consumption of electricity is more than significant. In what ways can energy be conserved? The earth’s resources are running out. What can be done about it? In what ways does consumerism affect the environment? What could be done about it? Pollution Society and governments seem to be indifferent to the problem of air pollution from the fumes of cars as well as the problem of traffic and noise they create. Tougher measures should be introduced so as to address the problem of factories that dump their waste into the sea. As long as people continue to destroy the animals’ natural habitat, even more species are going to be in danger of extinction. Governments should impose fines on factories that produce highly toxic waste and on agriculturalists who don’t avoid pesticides on crops. Questions: What are the consequences of pollution in the air, the sea, and the earth? Noise pollution is a major problem especially in big cities. How does it affect people and what could be done about it? Food and Health People should prefer crops and vegetables that are grown without synthetic fertilisers. People should avoid eating meat that comes from animals which are treated with hormones or antibiotics. Public awareness should be raised in relation to the products people consume; not all products meet certain requirements that make them environmentally friendly. The contamination of food has destroyed its nutritional value; people need to look for healthier alternatives that are not chemically treated. Water contamination is extremely dangerous for people’s health; it is imperative to find a solution to this hazard. Questions: Why do more and more people resort to organic food today? People today can eat everything they want regarding the numerous options they have, but they can’t eat anything at all regarding their health. Discuss. Nuclear Power There is a lot of controversy around nuclear power; nuclear power is an extremely efficient source of energy for sure, but failure to abide by the safety procedures will result in an accident and the impact not only on the local environment but also on people’s health would be catastrophic. People should reduce their dependency on this kind of energy source and find alternative ways to replace it because a potential accident can have disastrous consequences. A unique advantage of nuclear power is that it is one of the most environmentally friendly sources of energy as it produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions in comparison to traditional sources like coal power. There is a rising demand for nuclear power plants because as the worldwide energy consumption is growing, the emissions of greenhouse gases are rising; thus, people need a more environmentally friendly energy than coal. Questions: What are the advantages of nuclear power? What are the potential problems of nuclear energy? How can they be avoided? Urbanisation The gradual migration of people from rural areas to urban ones will lead to the abandonment of the agricultural land and the depopulation of the villages—the majority of which are already deserted. The shortage of jobs in rural areas along with young people’s need to pursue a career, are the two main reasons of rural depopulation. In search of a brighter future, people are willing to move to overcrowded areas and join the competitive rat race. People leave a healthier lifestyle behind at the expense of earning a higher salary. Life in urban areas is far too stressful as compared to rural life which is close to nature. Questions: Why do people leave their villages in order to live in the big city? What are the consequences of overpopulation in urban areas? What are the problems caused by the depopulation of the villages? Prison The role of the prison should be twofold; apart from protecting innocent people from criminals, it should also rehabilitate former prisoners back to the society in effective ways. Research shows that former prisoners almost always get back to prison. Hence, it seems that the penal system is failing us. Instead of putting criminals in solitary confinement, the legal system should be set up in such a way that it trains prisoners to learn a trade and gain qualifications that will help them survive when they get out of prison. Prisoners need help and support not only while they serve their sentence but most importantly when they are released trying to lead a new life. For petty crimes, it is preferable to do community service instead of going to prison. Questions: What would be an ideal prison? How are prisons today? What is the role of the prison? Is it successful? Can you think of any ways it could be improved? Tourism Tourism not only provides employment locally but also boosts local economy through valuable foreign exchange. There are also doubtful benefits as tourism might bring unwanted changes to the area and cause a great deal of pollution involving more noise, litter, and cars. Touristic attractions that provide entertainment for all ages and reflect the local culture and history of a place attract more visitors and become a long- term investment for the whole country. Questions: What are the advantages of tourism in an area? What are the drawbacks of tourism? How can the rise of ecotourism help environmental conservation? IELTS FIGHTER TỔNG HỢP - HẾT
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