120 bài luận mẫu Tiếng Anh - Phần 1
Most of us would like to have been born with a silver spoon in our mouths
. We often
envy the man who inherits wealth, and who can therefore live a life of idleness and
pleasure. As we have not been born to riches, we sometimes hope that we may some
day suddenly become rich by a lucky ticket in a lottery Fancy not having to work for
one's living!
Yet it is certainly a good thing for the community, and probably a good thing for us, that
we cannot live without working. And, in our saner moments
, we probably feel it is a
good thing on the whole that God from the first said to man, " In the sweat of thy face
shalt thou eat bread "; and recognise the soundness of the apostle's
rule, " If a man will
not work, neither let him eat!"
The necessity of working for a living gives a man the proud spirit of independence. The
beggar who lives upon alms, the parasite
who attaches himself to some rich patron and
earns his keep
by insincere
, are types
which all right-minded people pity
or despise. Why, then, should we envy the idle rich, who live upon the wealth produced
by others, and, like drones in the hive, produce no honey themselves? The worker earns
his keep by honest labour, and can look the world in the face, because he owes
no man
anything. And while he supports himself and his family with his own labour, he knows
he is contributing
useful goods or services for the benefit of the whole community.
For him
"Each morning sees some task begin,
göôøi hieåu bieát vaø coù oùc quan saùt leã nghi cuûa xaõ hoäi ñaøng hoaøng vaø cö xöû leã ñoä. Chuùng ta noùi raèng "anh aáy coù leã nghi". Trong khi moät ngöôøi coù caùch cö xöû thoâ loã coïc caèn ñoàng thôøi loá bòch ñöôïc cho raèng khoâng coù leã nghi. Vôùi nghóa naøy, chuùng ta coù theå noùi raèng leã nghi seõ taïo neân con ngöôøi lòch thieäp. Vôùi nghóa bình thöôøng cuûa töø lòch thieäp, noù bao goàm phaàn lôùn tính ñuùng ñaén, nhaõ nhaën cuøng vôùi loøng quan taâm trong vieäc cö xöû vôùi ngöôøi khaùc. Tuy nhieân, tính lòch söï ñôn thuaàn hieám khi taïo neân moät con ngöôøi hoaøn chænh. Ñoái vôùi nhieàu ngöôøi ñöôïc goïi laø moät "gentleman" laø ñeå aùm chæ ngöôøi ích kyû, baàn tieän, ñoäc aùc vaø yeáu ñuoái. Do vaäy Ñöùc giaùm muïc Wykeham coù yù gì khi ngöôøi noùi "leã pheùp taïo neân con ngöôøi". Vaøo thôøi ñaïi cuûa oâng, töø "manners" coù nghóa saâu saéc hôn ngaøy nay nhieàu. Noù khoâng ñôn thuaàn chæ caùch cö xöû lòch thieäp, maø coøn laø nhöõng gì chuùng ta goïi laø haønh vi ñaïo ñöùc toát hay coù ñaïo ñöùc. Ñoàng thôøi vò giaùm muïc giaø naøy coù yù noùi raèng ñoù laø haønh vi ñaïo ñöùc ñeïp döïa treân caùc nguyeân taéc ñaïo ñöùc ñuùng ñaén ñeå taïo caùc caäu beù cuøng vôùi nhöõng ngöôøi ñaøn oâng trôû thaønh con ngöôøi thöïc söï. Ñieàu naøy cho thaáy raèng nhaø saùng laäp ra tröôøng hoïc Wincherster cuøng vôùi tröôøng New College ôû Oxford khoâng heà xem giaùo duïc chæ ñôn thuaàn giaùo duïc tinh thaàn cuøng vôùi söï thaâu nhaän kieán thöùc, maø ñaëc bieät nhö laø söï reøn luyeän ñaïo ñöùc. OÂng muoán caùc tröôøng hoïc naøy seõ ñaøo taïo neân nhöõng ngöôøi thöïc thuï, nhöõng con ngöôøi bieát sôï Chuùa, can ñaûm, trung thöïc vaø ñöùng ñaén. Noùi caùch khaùc, oâng nhaän ra raèng ñieàu duy nhaát thaät söï laøm neân cho ñôøi laø tính caùch. Cuûa caûi, ñòa vò, quaàn aùo ñeïp, coù leã ñoä, coù hoïc thöùc, khoâng coù caùi naøo coù theå toàn taïi ñôn ñoäc hoaëc keát hôïp coù theå taïo neân con ngöôøi. Chæ coù tính caùch môùi coù theå laøm ñöôïc ñieàu ñoù. Tuy nhieân 1 ngöôøi ngheøo thaáp heøn hay ngu doát nhöng laïi coù nhaân caùch. Anh ta seõ hôn haún moät ngöôøi trieäu phuù, moät hoaøng töû, moät trieát gia khoâng coù nhaân caùch. TÖØ MÔÙI : 1. reign /rein/ (n) : trieàu ñaïi, thôøi trò vì 2. chancellor /'t~@:ns6l6(r)/ (n) : vò thöôïng thö, ñaïi phaùp quan 3. patron /'peitr6n/ (n) : ngöôøi baûo hoä, ñôõ ñaàu cho 4. etiquette /'etik6t/ (n) : leã nghi, nghi thöùc 5. clownish /kla$niz/ (adj) : loá bòch, nhö anh heà 6. gentlemanliness /d2entlmenlin6s/ (n) : taùc phong ngöôøi quaân töû, veû trang nhaõ 7. considerate /k6n'sid6r6t/ (adj) : ñaøng hoaøng, thaän troïng 8. in other words /1n '^56 w3:dz/ : noùi moät caùch khaùc 9. to matter /m%t6(r)/ (v) : coù quan heä, quan troïng 10. millionaire /'milj6'nea(r)/ (n) : nhaø trieäu phuù 60. THE BENEFITS OF WORKING FOR A LIVING NHÖÕNG ÍCH LÔÏI CUÛA VIEÄC LAØM VÌ SINH KEÁ OUTLINE Introduction :-Unearned1 wealth. The necessity of working for a living. 1. Gives a man the spirit of independence. 2. Produces good habits like punctuality2, perseverance, etc. 3. Brings out and develops a man's talents. Most of us would like to have been born with a silver spoon in our mouths3 . We often envy the man who inherits wealth, and who can therefore live a life of idleness and pleasure. As we have not been born to riches, we sometimes hope that we may some day suddenly become rich by a lucky ticket in a lottery Fancy not having to work for one's living! Yet it is certainly a good thing for the community, and probably a good thing for us, that we cannot live without working. And, in our saner moments4, we probably feel it is a good thing on the whole that God from the first said to man, " In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread "; and recognise the soundness of the apostle's5 rule, " If a man will not work, neither let him eat!" The necessity of working for a living gives a man the proud spirit of independence. The beggar who lives upon alms, the parasite6 who attaches himself to some rich patron and earns his keep7 by insincere8 flattery9, are types10 which all right-minded people pity or despise. Why, then, should we envy the idle rich, who live upon the wealth produced by others, and, like drones in the hive, produce no honey themselves? The worker earns his keep by honest labour, and can look the world in the face, because he owes11 no man anything. And while he supports himself and his family with his own labour, he knows he is contributing12 useful goods or services for the benefit of the whole community. For him "Each morning sees some task begin, Each evening sees its close; Something attempted, something done, Has earned a night's repose13." Then again the regular daily work, which must be done, produces good habits such as perseverance, application14, punctuality, thoroughness, attention to details, and the habit of industry. These virtues may be humdrum15 and commonplace16; but many a promising17 life has come to nothing for lack of18 them. And no idler can acquire them. So, blessed be drudgery19! Lastly, compulsory20 work is often necessary to bring out and train a man's talents. Many an author who has risen to fame would never had written a book if he had not had to earn his living by his pen; and many a sucessful business man would never have developed his gift for organisation and management, if he had been born rich. How many of the rich and aristocratic classes ever do anything of note21? Most of us would remain undeveloped and untrained if we could. Haàu nhö chuùng ta ai cuõng muoán sinh ra ñaõ coù caûnh giaøu sang. Chuùng ta thöôøng ganh tò vôùi ngöôøi thöøa keá gia taøi soáng trong caûnh an nhaø vaø khoaùi laïc. Vì chuùng ta khoâng sinh ra laø ñeå giaøu coù. Ñoâi khi chuùng ta kyø voïng coù theå moät ngaøy naøo ñoù baát ngôø trôû neân giaøu coù nhôø moät taám veù soá ñoäc ñaéc. Ñöøng mô töôûng ñeán ñieàu khoâng laøm vieäc maø soáng ! Tuy vaäy, chaéc chaén coù ñieàu toát cho coäng ñoàng vaø coù leõ seõ coù ñieàu toát cho chuùng ta, raèng chuùng ta khoâng theå soáng maø khoâng lao ñoäng. Vaø nhöõng luùc tinh thaàn ta tænh taùo, coù leõ chuùng ta caûm thaáy ñoù laø moät ñieàu hoaøn toaøn toát ñeïp maø Chuùa ñaõ phaùn vôùi loaøi ngöôøi ngay töø ban ñaàu "Caùc ngöôi seõ aên baùnh töø moà hoâi vaø nöôùc cuûa caùc ngöôøi". Ñoàng thôøi chuùng ta seõ nhaän ra tính ñuùng ñaén veà qui öôùc cuûa söù ñoà : "Neáu con ngöôøi khoâng laøm vieäc seõ khoâng cho anh ta aên !". Nhu caàu lao ñoäng ñeå kieám soáng ñem laïi cho con ngöôøi loøng haõnh dieän veà tính ñoäc laäp. Ngöôøi aên xin soáng döïa vaøo söï boá thí. Keû aên baùm luoân döïa vaøo ngöôøi ñôõ ñaàu giaøu coù vaø kieám aên baèng nhöõng lôøi nònh bôï giaû doái. Hoï laø haïng ngöôøi taát caû nhöõng ngöôøi ngay thaûng xem thöôøng, khinh khi. Vaäy thì taïi sao chuùng ta laïi ganh tò vôùi ngöôøi giaøu nhaøn haï voán soáng döïa vaøo cuûa caûi cuûa ngöôøi khaùc chaúng khaùc naøo nhöõng keû aên baùm, moät ñaøn ong soáng döïa vaøo toå ong nhoû beù, khoâng töï taïo ra maät ngoït ? Ngöôøi lao ñoäng kieám soáng baèng lao ñoâng chaân chính, nhìn ñôøi treân beà maët cuoäc ñôøi bôûi vì anh ta khoâng maéc nôï ai. Ñoàng thôøi trong khi baèng söùc lao ñoäng cuûa anh, anh töï cung caáp cho baûn thaân vaø gia ñình. Anh ta bieát raèng nha ñang goùp phaàn tích cöïc vaøo lôïi ích cuûa toaøn xaõ hoäi. Ñoái vôùi anh : "Saùng saùng baét tay vaøo vieäc Toái ñeán nhìn xem laïi coâng vieäc. Ñieàu gì ñaõ coá gaéng, taát seõ laøm neân. Vaø moät ñeâm bình yeân seõ chôït ñeán". Roài coâng vieäc thöôøng ngaøy laïi trôû laïi buoäc anh ta phaûi laøm xong, nhôø ñoù taïo neân nhöõng thoùi quen toát nhö söï beàn chí, caàn maãn, ñuùng giôø, tæ mæ, thaän troïng vaø thoùi quan caàn cuø. Caùc ñöùc tính naøy coù theå ñôn ñieäu, bình thöôøng. Nhöng cuoäc soáng ñaày höùa heïn seõ khoâng ñem laïi ñieàu gì cho ngöôøi khoâng coù nhöõng ñöùc tính naøy. Vaø khoâng moät keû löôøi bieáng naøo coù ñöôïc. Vì vaäy, vaát vaû seõ ñem laïi haïnh phuùc ! Cuoái cuøng, coâng vieäc cöôõng böùc raát quan troïng ñeå ñem ñeán vaø reøn luyeän taøi naêng con ngöôøi. Nhieàu nhaø vaên noåi tieáng seõ khoâng vieát ñöôïc cuoán saùch neáu anh ta khoâng vì kieám keá sinh nhai baèng ngoøi buùt cuûa chính mình. Vaø nhieàu thöông gia thaønh ñaït seõ khoâng bao giôø phaùt huy ñöôïc taøi toå chöùc vaø quaûn lyù coâng ty neáu anh ta ñaõ giaøu coù. Lieäu coù bao nhieâu ngöôøi giaøu coù vaø nhöõng nhaø quí toäc ñaõ töøng laøm neân nhöõng ñieàu ñaùng ñeå löu danh ? Neáu muoán, chuùng ta ñeàu coù theå giöõ gin ñöôïc tình traïng ban ñaàu cuûa noù. TÖØ MÔÙI : 1. unearned /^n'3:nd/ (adj) : khoâng maát khoå coâng maø ñöôïc 2. punctuality /,p^7kt~$'%l6ti/ (n) : söï ñuùng giôø 3. born with a silver spoon in one's mouth : sanh ra ñaõ ñuû caûnh giaøu sang 4. in one' saner moments : vaøo nhöõng luùc ñaàu oùc ta tænh taùo hôn 5. apostle /6'p4s(6)l/ (n) : vò toâng ñoà, söù ñoà 6. parasite /'p%r6sait/ (n) : keû soáng baùm vaøo ngöôøi khaùc 7. keep /kip/ (n) : caùch sinh soáng, böõa aên 8. insincere /insin'si6(r)/ (adj) : khoâng thaønh thöïc 9. flattery /'fl%t6ri/ (n) : lôøi nònh, xu nònh 10. type /taip/ (n) : keû ñieån hình 11. to owe /6$n/ (v) : maéc nôï 12. to contribute /k6n'tribju:t/ (v) : goùp phaàn vaøo, coáng hieán 13. repose /ri'p6$z/ (n) : söï nghæ ngôi, bình tónh 14. application /%pli'kei~(6)n/ (n) : söï caàn maãn, chuyeân taâm 15. humdrum /'h^mdr^m/ (adj) : buoàn teû, khoâng haøo höùng, ñôn ñieäu 16. commonplace /'k4m6npleis/ (adj) : taàm thöôøng 17. promising (p.a) /pr4misi7/ (adj) : nhieàu höùa heïn, coù hy voïng 18. for lack of (for want of) /f6(r) l%k/ : vì thieáu 19. drudgery (n) /dr^26r1/ (n) : coâng vieäc cöïc nhoïc vaø buoàn teû 20. compulsory /k6m'p^ls6ri/ (adj) : cöôõng baùch, baét buoäc 21. of note /n0t/ : ñaùng keå, höõu danh
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