1000 câu trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh - Nguyễn Văn Nam
1. The little girl started crying. She . her doll, and no one was able to find it for her.
A. has lost B. had lost C. was losing D. was lost
2. Next week when there . a full moon, the ocean tides will be higher
A. will be B. will have been C. is being D. is
3. David and Peter . to live next door to each at one time
A. had uses B. used C. were used D. have used.
4. It would have been a much more serious accident . fast at the time
A. he drove B. was he driving C. had he been driving D. he had driven
5. He promised to telephone . I have never heard from him again
A. but B. except C. although D. because
6. She came in quietly . not to wake the baby
A. as if B. so as C. such as D. if so
7. I had to get up early, . I’d have missed the train.
A. despite B. otherwise C. or else D. however
8. Be careful ! Don’t . your drink on the table.
A. spill B. spread C. flood D. flow
9. . of all the staff, I would like to wish you a happy retirement
A. Instead B. In place C. On behalf D. On account
10. Anne : “ Make yourself at home.”
John : “.”
A. Yes, can I help you ? B. Not at all. Don’t mention it
C. Thanks ! Same to you D. That’s very kind. Thank you
m always nervous. B. Flying always makes me nervous. C. Flying always makes me to be nervous. D. Being nervous I travel by plane. 971. Shaking hands is a .................. greeting. A. formal B. conventional C. extraordinary D. unusual 972. We were confused .............. the cross word puzzles. A. on B. with C. of D. for 973. Thank you for the ............ gift. A. unexpect B. unexpected C. unexpectedly D. unexpectedness 974. At last I had to force him away. I couldn't tolerate him. A. put aside B. put up with C. keep up with D. be fed up with 975. The situation is .............. we can't do anything to improve it. A. useless B. childless C. hopeless D. careless 976. He was sacked because he had worked ............... A. irresponsible B. irresponsibly C. responsible D. responsibly 977. Each of the students ................. ready for the oral test. A. is B. be C. are D. have been 978. Everyone has to prepare the report ............. A. ourselves B. yourself C. itself D. himself 979. The manager decided to ................... with the plan although he was in difficulties, A. go over B. go away C. go out D. go ahead 980. There are a lot of people ............... London every day. A. visit B. to visit C. visiting D. have visited 981. In the US, most women do not ......... their maiden name when they get married. A. retain B. maintain C. entertain D. restrain 982. Thanks to the efforts of the environmentalists, bear is no longer in danger of becoming an ...................species. A. rarely B. precious C. special D. extinct 983. Nguyen Du devoted all his lifetime .................... writing. A. for B. from C. in D. to 984. To trust a good friend is to .................... him. A. rely on B. count on C. believe D. all are correct 985. The boss often has his secretary ......... the letters. A. to type B. type C. typing D. typed 986. My suggestions were ignored. It means ................. A. They ignored my suggestions B. No one paid attention to my suggestions C. They put aside my suggestions D. All are correct 987. He was the first man ............... left the burning house. A. whom B. which C. that D. when 988. My friend is a ........... A. statistics B. statistician C. statistical D. statistically 989. Your hairstyle is quite similar ................ me. A. of B. to C. from D. with 990. ................ beautiful your new dress is! A. what B. whether C. how D. which 991. By the time the ambulance approached, the old man ....................... A. dies B. died C. had died D. would die 992. f the five students, Mary is ................ A. more intelligent. B. the more intelligent. C. most intelligent. D. the most intelligent. 993. Everything is available ________ the operation. A. of B. for C. on D. from 994. .............. my friend came. A. On my leaving home B. When leaving home C. Leaving home D. As I has just left home 995. He said he was ........employee of ............. gas company and he came to get ........... bill. A. an / the / the B. a / a / a C. an / a / the D. an / the / no article 996. Don't let the little boy play with scissors ............... he cuts himself. A. in case B. although C. unless D. so that 997. Since he has never been in such a situation before his apprehension was understandable. A. eagerness B. hesitation C. excitement D. fear 998. He .............. the organization of the celebration. A. underwent B. undertook C. understood D. undercharged 999. Laser can kill cancer .............. and leave healthy neighbours unharmed. A. pulps B. cents C. blood D. cells 1000. At 10 o’clock tomorrow morning, ............. our final test. A. will take B. will be taking C. has been taking D. would be taking 401 B 411 421 431 441 451 461 471 481 491 402 A 412 422 432 442 452 462 472 482 492 403 A 413 423 433 443 453 463 473 483 493 404 B 414 424 434 444 454 464 474 484 494 405 C 415 425 435 445 455 465 475 485 495 406 D 416 426 436 446 456 466 476 486 496 407 C 417 427 437 447 457 467 477 487 497 408 B 418 428 438 448 458 468 478 488 498 409 C 419 429 439 449 459 469 479 489 499 410 C 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 501 511 521 531 541 551 561 571 581 591 502 512 522 532 542 552 562 572 582 592 503 513 523 533 543 553 563 573 583 593 504 514 524 534 544 554 564 574 584 594 505 515 525 535 545 555 565 575 585 595 506 516 526 536 546 556 566 576 586 596 507 517 527 537 547 557 567 577 587 597 508 518 528 538 548 558 568 578 588 598 509 519 529 539 549 559 569 579 589 599 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 601 611 621 631 641 651 661 671 681 691 602 612 622 632 642 652 662 672 682 692 603 613 623 633 643 653 663 673 683 693 604 614 624 634 644 654 664 674 684 694 605 615 625 635 645 655 665 675 685 695 606 616 626 636 646 656 666 676 686 696 607 617 627 637 647 657 667 677 687 697 608 618 628 638 648 658 668 678 688 698 609 619 629 639 649 659 669 679 689 699 610 620 630 640 650 660 670 680 690 700 701 711 721 731 741 751 761 771 781 791 702 712 722 732 742 752 762 772 782 792 703 713 723 733 743 753 763 773 783 793 704 714 724 734 744 754 764 774 784 794 705 715 725 735 745 755 765 775 785 795 706 716 726 736 746 756 766 776 786 796 707 717 727 737 747 757 767 777 787 797 708 718 728 738 748 758 768 778 788 798 709 719 729 739 749 759 769 779 789 799 710 720 730 740 750 760 770 780 790 800 801 811 821 831 841 851 861 871 881 891 802 812 822 832 842 852 862 872 882 892 803 813 823 833 843 853 863 873 883 893 804 814 824 834 844 854 864 874 884 894 805 815 825 835 845 855 865 875 885 895 806 816 826 836 846 856 866 876 886 896 807 817 827 837 847 857 867 877 887 897 808 818 828 838 848 858 868 878 888 898 809 819 829 839 849 859 869 879 889 899 810 820 830 840 850 860 870 880 890 900 901 911 921 931 941 951 961 971 981 991 902 912 922 932 942 952 962 972 982 992 903 913 923 933 943 953 963 973 983 993 904 914 924 934 944 954 964 974 984 994 905 915 925 935 945 955 965 975 985 995 906 916 926 936 946 956 966 976 986 996 907 917 927 937 947 957 967 977 987 997 908 918 928 938 948 958 968 978 988 998 909 919 929 939 949 959 969 979 989 999 910 920 930 940 950 960 970 980 990 1000 1 B 11 D 21 A 31 D 41 D 51 A 61 B 71 C 81 D 91 B 2 D 12 C 22 B 32 B 42 B 52 A 62 B 72 D 82 D 92 C 3 B 13 B 23 C 33 C 43 C 53 C 63 C 73 C 83 D 93 C 4 C 14 D 24 A 34 D 44 D 54 C 64 D 74 D 84 C 94 A 5 A 15 C 25 C 35 D 45 B 55 B 65 C 75 D 85 B 95 D 6 B 16 C 26 D 36 B 46 B 56 C 66 A 76 A 86 C 96 D 7 B 17 A 27 A 37 A 47 A 57 A 67 B 77 C 87 C 97 C 8 A 18 A 28 B 38 A 48 B 58 C 68 C 78 B 88 C 98 D 9 C 19 D 29 C 39 C 49 A 59 D 69 B 79 B 89 A 99 C 10 D 20 A 30 D 40 A 50 C 60 D 70 B 80 C 90 A 100 C 101 A 111 A 121 D 131 C 141 A 151 C 161 B 171 C 181 A 191 B 102 A 112 B 122 C 132 B 142 C 152 C 162 172 C 182 A 192 A 103 B 113 A 123 A 133 D 143 C 153 A 163 D 173 A 183 A 193 B 104 C 114 D 124 A 134 A 144 D 154 D 164 A 174 B 184 A 194 D 105 A 115 C 125 D 135 B 145 D 155 D 165 A 175 C 185 A 195 A 106 D 116 ? 126 B 136 B 146 D 156 C 166 D 176 C 186 D 196 B 107 D 117 C 127 C 137 147 157 B 167 A 177 D 187 A 197 B 108 D 118 D 128 A 138 D 148 B 158 A 168 B 178 B 188 A 198 C 109 C 119 B 129 B 139 D 149 B 159 D 169 B 179 A 189 D 199 C 110 B 120 D 130 B 140 A 150 B 160 C 170 C 180 C 190 A 200 A 201 C 211 D 221 C 231 B 241 C 251 C 261 A 271 C 281 A 291 B 202 D 212 A 222 C 232 B 242 C 252 C 262 A 272 B 282 D 292 B 203 B 213 C 223 B 233 A 243 D 253 C 263 B 273 A 283 A 293 A 204 A 214 D 224 B 234 B 244 C 254 C 264 D 274 B 284 A 294 A 205 215 C 225 A 235 D 245 A 255 C 265 B 275 C 285 295 B 206 A 216 A 226 C 236 B 246 D 256 B 266 A 276 B 286 A 296 D 207 B 217 B 227 D 237 247 B 257 D 267 A 277 D 287 A 297 A 208 D 218 C 228 C 238 A 248 C 258 D 268 B 278 C 288 A 298 D 209 D 219 A 229 C 239 C 249 C 259 C 269 C 279 D 289 B 299 D 210 D 220 A 230 C 240 A 250 B 260 B 270 D 280 A 290 A 300 C 301 B 311 B 321 B 331 A 341 B 351 B 361 D 371 B 381 B 391 D 302 B 312 D 322 C 332 A 342 C 352 C 362 C 372 A 382 C 392 C 303 C 313 C 323 D 333 B 343 B 353 C 363 B 373 B 383 A 393 B 304 C 314 D 324 A 334 C 344 C 354 C 364 B 374 C 384 D 394 D 305 A 315 B 325 A 335 C 345 D 355 C 365 C 375 D 385 A 395 B 306 D 316 C 326 B 336 B 346 D 356 B 366 B 376 A 386 B 396 B 307 D 317 327 A 337 C 347 C 357 A 367 C 377 A 387 C 397 C 308 A 318 C 328 B 338 A 348 B 358 A 368 D 378 B 388 B 398 C 309 A 319 B 329 C 339 D 349 D 359 B 369 A 379 C 389 C 399 C 310 C 320 C 330 D 340 A 350 B 360 C 370 A 380 C 390 D 400 C
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