100 mẫu thư thương mại Tiếng Anh
1. 10-Day Notice Before Collections on Delinquent Account
2. 30-Day Notice to Quit
3. Acceptance of Counter Proposal
4. Acceptance of Order With Delivery in Lots
5. Acceptance of Purchase Security Agreement
6. Acceptance of Resignation
7. Acknowledged Receipt of Goods
8. Acknowledged Resignation
9. Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Order
10. Acknowledgement from Publisher, Comments Referred to Author
d this check. Since I have moved, I am naturally concerned that the check may have been sent to the wrong address. Would you please let me know if a check has been mailed. If not, I would appreciate your authorizing one to be sent to the address indicated above. Thank you for your attention to this matter. 92. Charge Account Credit Limit Raise Notification Dear After careful review of your charge account, it pleases us to inform you that we have increased your credit limit as follows: OLD CREDIT LIMIT: $ NEW CREDIT LIMIT: $ TiengAnhOnline.net – Nguồn tài nguyên tiếng Anh miễn phí Furthermore, this change in account status qualifies you for use of our installment account. Should you require additional information about this new account, please see one of our credit representatives the next time you are here for a visit. You are a valued customer, and as such, you will be advised of our special customer sales, which we have from time to time. We appreciate your continued patronage, and look forward to being able to assist you in the near future. 93. Charge Account Terms and Conditions Form TERMS AND CONDITIONS Buyer agrees with seller_______________________________to pay for all purchases upon receipt of monthly statement. Charges billed, but not paid by the 10th of the month following purchase will be considered delinquent and subject to finance charges. The FINANCE CHARGE for individuals is computed by a periodic rate of ____ per month which is an ANNUUAL PERCENTAGE RATE OF ____% applied to the "Previous Unpaid Balance less Current Credits." Current credits are payments or credits received by ________A.M. on the _____ day of the following month. The minimum payment due will be payment of Buyer's indebtedness in full. If not paid, ______________________________ may declare the unpaid balance due and payable immediately. Buyer agrees to pay collection expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees and court costs, if it is necessary to collect through legal action. Buyer assumes full responsibility for all materials purchased from ____________________________. Buyer agrees to be personally liable for all charges and individually guarantees payment of all charges promptly. Buyer agrees to notify __________________within 10 days in writing of receipt of monthly statement of any in billing. Failure to so notify ___________________________ signifies total acceptance and responsibility for prompt payment in full of account. If materials are ordered to be delivered to a construction job site, the buyer assumes liability for the materials at the TiengAnhOnline.net – Nguồn tài nguyên tiếng Anh miễn phí time of delivery whether or not buyer's representative is on hand to acknowledge receipt of delivery. Buyer agrees to pay standard delivery charges as billed. Buyer agrees that no refund will be granted unless merchandise is returned within 30 days with invoice to store where purchases were made and in original sales condition. Buyer agrees to supply____________with "Notice of Commencements", purchase orders, job numbers, job addresses, and a current list of employees permitted to order, pickup, and sign for merchandise. __________________________reserves the right to send out "Notice to Owners" and file Liens on past due accounts and use any legal means available to force collection if necessary. 94. Charge Back Application of Discount on Delayed Shipment Dear The shipment of the above referenced merchandise was delivered to my receiving department on While the original delivery date was set for I approved this later delivery in view of the problems that you were experiencing at that time. Our check for the full amount of the invoice, less our 2% discount, was mailed to you on I am enclosing a copy of the statement I received today, which includes a charge back for that discount, taken in compliance with your terms. I believe that the source of this error lies in the fact that the date on the invoice was not changed to reflect the delay in delivery. I would appreciate receiving a corrected statement of my account. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. 95. Collateral Decision, Request for Preparation of Loan Documents Dear TiengAnhOnline.net – Nguồn tài nguyên tiếng Anh miễn phí It was a pleasure having the opportunity to meet with you yesterday to discuss the proposed loan on the After reviewing the alternatives you suggested, I believe that it would be best to collateralize this loan with (form of collateral) I am instructing my secretary to prepare a package consisting of all necessary documents and to mail them to your attention today. I would be most appreciative if you would arrange to have the loan documents drawn as soon as possible. I wish to thank you for your cooperation in this matter and am looking forward to the continuance of a long and mutually beneficial relationship between us. 96. Collections Follow-Up on Release of Pending Order Dear As we discussed in our recent telephone conversation, I have released your "pending" order on our terms of net 30 days, with payment expected on or before 30 days from the date of the invoice. I appreciate your candor and am looking forward to getting your account back on sure footing in the not too distant future. 97. Collections Report on Current Status of Debt TO: FROM: WE REPORT AS FOLLOWS: 25. Just relocated at new address;---following A. DEBTOR'S ATTITUDE: 26. Lives in remote district: 1. Promises to pay later hard to contact personally 2. Ignores requests 27. Debtor is a minor. Trying 3. Disputes claim for settlement 4. Refuses to pay 28. Debtor judgment-proof; 5. Claims account is paid recovery doubtful TiengAnhOnline.net – Nguồn tài nguyên tiếng Anh miễn phí B. DEBTOR'S FINANCIAL D. ACTION RECOMMENDED 6. Doing part time work 29. Voluntary collection not 7. Working on commission possible. Recommend suit. 8. Out of work. Rechecking a) furnish 4 copies of regularly. itemized statements 9. On relief. indicating date, amount 10. Earnings exempt;no other of each payment. attachable assets. b) Original papers 11. Heavily in debt. c) Counsel must have legal 12. Debtor ill and without identity of Creditor in funds. order to proceed. 13. In military service. C. CURRENT ACTIVITY INDICATE IF: 14. Trying for a compromise A corporation--where? 15. Rechecking for assets to A partnership--full justify legal action or names of all-- ability to pay. Individually owned-- 16 Debtor deceased;checking Full name of indiv.? for estate. 17. Claims returned merchandise E. ACCOUNT CLOSED: on ___________________ 18. Suit filed; still pending 30. Skip--cannot locate 19. Judgment obtained. Attorney 31. No assets--hopeless trying to execute Legal action not 20. Skip--trying to locate recommended. Can you help? 32. Per your request. 21 Claims paid to you on 33. Subject refuses to _______________Please pay or compromise, confirm payment. too small for suit. 22. Claim in hands of our 34. Bankruptcy,no assets representative in debtor's 35. Outlawed. Refuses to area. We are requesting pay or compromise. report. 36. Deceased. No estate. 23. Just received a payment of Family won't assist. $_________________ 37. Exhausted all 24. We are making a final collection efforts. effort for you. Uncollectable. 98. Commendation TiengAnhOnline.net – Nguồn tài nguyên tiếng Anh miễn phí Gentlemen: You are to be commended for the manner in which you handled the unfortunate incident which led to removing ( Product Name ) from the market. While the reports that I have read all indicated that there was no definite proof that the taking of ( Product Name ) may have resulted in her present condition, the fact that you acted so quickly shows that your first concern is with the health and well being of the public. As a consumer, I would like to express my appreciation for your integrity and once again commend you for the fine manner in which you handled this incident. 99. Commendation and Refusal of Request for Raise Dear This is to acknowledge your letter of (date) You are definitely to be commended for your progress during the past two months. I do believe, however, that your recent request for a raise is premature. I would suggest that it would be more appropriate to discuss a salary increase after you have worked here for six months. If you continue on the same path, I am certain that your timely request will be given careful consideration. You are doing a fine job, keep up the good work! 100. Commercial Account Analysis Form ACCOUNT ANALYSIS ACCOUNT___________________________________________________ ADDRESS___________________________________________________ TiengAnhOnline.net – Nguồn tài nguyên tiếng Anh miễn phí __________________________________________________________ BUYER_____________________________________________________ OTHER CONTACTS__________________________________________________ CALLING DAYS AND TIMES____________________________________ ANNUAL VOLUME__________EMPLOYS__________CREDIT LIMIT______D&B____ HISTORICAL PURCHASES 19___/$_______ 19___/$_______ 19___/$____ 19___/$_____ 19___/$_______ 19___/$_______ 19___/$____ COMPETITOR PROFILE AND PRESENCE IN ACCOUNT INVENTORY:_____ __________________________________________________________ PROBLEMS AND OPPORTUNITIES:_______________________________ __________________________________________________________ STRATEGIC APPROACH:_______________________________________ __________________________________________________________ (còn nữa) TiengAnhOnline.net – Nguồn tài nguyên tiếng Anh miễn phí TiengAnhOnline.net – Nguồn tài nguyên tiếng Anh miễn phí
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