100 bài luyện nghe Tiếng Anh Level 1 (Phần 7)

100 bài luyện nghe Tiếng Anh Level 1 (Phần 7)

Article #71 My Family

My grandparents are coming to visit us from Calgary, Alberta.

My father is very happy because they are his parents, and he is glad that he will see them.

We don't see them very often because Calgary is a long way from Toronto.

My grandparents have two sons: my father and my Uncle Bill.

Uncle Bill is married to my Aunt Susan.

They have a daughter who is my cousin.

My cousin is a lot older than I, so we do not have a lot in common.

They also have a son who is the same age as me.

He is my favorite cousin because we both like the same television shows and the same games.

I have two brothers and one sister.

My brothers are both younger than I.

They are twins, so they have the same birthday.

My sister is one year older than I

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o the pond and toss rocks into the water.
We eat ice cream, and we have barbecues.
Some of my friend's parents have boats, so we go for rides in their boats.
Some of my friends go to their cottages.
They have cottages on lakes.
Some of my friends even have summer jobs.
My best friend works at the supermarket.
My father pays me to do jobs for him.
I cut the grass, take out the garbage and wash the car.
I like to be outside in the sunshine.
On Sundays, my mother will pack a picnic lunch, and we go down to the park.
Sometimes we play baseball.
There is also a tennis court at the park.
I am a very good tennis player.
My sister just likes to swing on the swings and slide down the slide.
We eat our sandwiches and watch out for the ants that always seem to be at picnics.
VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí
After we have our lunch, my sister and I run off to play with the other children.
My Dad has a nap, and my Mother reads her book.
My skin gets brown from the sun in the summer.
Summer is my favorite season.
I like the sounds, smells and feelings that come with the summer sun.
Summer is a lot of fun.
I wish summer could go on forever.
Article #75 The Doctor
I didn't feel very well last week.
I had a sore throat and a fever.
My mother took me to see the doctor.
When we got there, the nurse took my name and said that the doctor would be with me soon.
The doctor was a very nice man in a white jacket.
I had seen the doctor before when I had my tonsils out at the hospital.
The doctor took a light and looked in my ears.
He put a stick on my tongue, and he shone his light into my mouth.
He looked at my throat.
He said that my throat was a bit swollen and red.
He felt my neck and said that my glands were swollen.
He took my temperature and said that it was quite high.
He listened to my heart, and he made me cough.
He asked me some questions.
He said that he might have to do some tests.
He sent me to get some blood taken out of my arm.
I was scared, but it didn't really hurt.
The doctor gave me some pills and told me to take one in the morning and one at night.
He told me to drink a lot of fluids.
He told me to get plenty of sleep.
VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí
I did exactly what the doctor told me to do.
It wasn't very long before I was feeling well again.
I think that I might like to be a doctor when I grow up.
I would like to make people feel better.
Article #76 The Dentist
My friend's father is a dentist.
He has an office near my house.
I went to see him on Thursday.
His nurse told me to sit in a very big chair.
She tied a bib under my chin.
The dentist came in.
He examined my teeth with some shiny silver tools.
He looked at my front teeth and my back teeth.
He told me that the back teeth were called molars.
He told me to "open wide."
He had a little mirror that he used to look at my teeth.
He said that I had good strong teeth.
He told me that I didn't have any cavities.
I told him that I didn't eat a lot of candies and that I always brushed my teeth after every meal.
He said that was very good.
He asked me if I flossed my teeth, and I said, "Yes, I use dental floss every day."
He told me that my teeth were healthy because I took very good care of them.
He left and told me to keep up the good work.
The dental hygienist came in, and she said that she would clean my teeth for me.
She scraped my teeth with a sharp tool, and then she put some polish on my teeth and began to clean
When she was done, she told me to spit into a bowl, and then I rinsed my mouth out with water.
I looked into a mirror and saw that my teeth were very shiny and white.
VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí
If I take care of my teeth, I'll have them forever.
I would like to keep my teeth healthy and white.
I like to smile.
Article #77 The School Play
We are putting on a play at school.
Some of the students are actors in the play.
Some people are building the sets.
Some people will sew costumes, and some people will be makeup artists.
The teacher is the director of the play.
The play will be held on a big stage in the gymnasium.
The curtains will open, the lights will go on, and the play will begin.
It will be very exciting.
All of our families will come to see the play.
They will clap when the play is over.
My friend is very good at cutting wood and building things.
He is helping to build the set.
My other friend, Michael, is an artist, so he is painting the set so that it looks like a forest.
My friend Marie likes to put makeup on people, so she is a makeup artist.
She will put makeup on me so that I will look like an old woman.
Some of the mothers helped to sew the costumes.
The play is called "Hansel and Gretel."
I will play the part of the witch.
The boy who plays Hansel has to wear shorts and a shirt.
I wear a witch's hat and a black dress.
I also carry a broom.
Some of the people in my class will be dressed like trees and flowers.
This is a musical play, and the trees and flowers will sing to Hansel and Gretel as they walk through
the forest.
VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí
I can hardly wait for opening night.
I want my family and friends to see me acting on stage.
I hope that they like the play.
We have all learned our lines and worked very hard at making this play a success.
Article #78 Emotions
Do you ever think about your emotions?
What kinds of things make you sad?
I get sad when I get a bad mark in school, or when someone that I like moves away.
I sometimes see sad movies that make me cry.
I don't like to be sad.
I don't like to have a frown on my face.
I like to be happy.
I am happy most of the time.
Parties make me happy.
Being with my friends makes me happy.
Lots of things make me happy.
If someone tells me a joke, I laugh.
I enjoy laughing.
Funny movies make me laugh.
I think that people look the best when they smile.
What kinds of things make you mad?
I get mad when my brother breaks one of my toys.
I try not to show it when I get mad.
My parents get mad at me if I come home late.
I don't think anger is a good emotion.
It is best to stay calm and talk things over.
Emotions come from inside you, but they show on your face.
People can tell when you are mad, or sad or happy.
VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí
I prefer to look happy.
Sometimes I even smile when I am feeling sad, and the smile makes me feel a little better.
Article #79 My First Job
I just got a job at the grocery store.
This is my first job.
I will receive a pay cheque every two weeks.
I wear a uniform.
The uniform has the name of the grocery store on it.
I have many jobs at the grocery store.
I have to collect all the carts from the parking lot and bring them back into the store.
I have to put all the produce out for the people to see.
I will be putting out the vegetables.
There are carrots, lettuce, cabbages, cucumbers and beans to put out this morning.
I also have to put the fruit out on the stands so that it looks nice.
The oranges roll away when I put them out, so I have to be careful.
I put out the apples, bananas and grapes.
I stack boxes up so that people can buy cereal and cookies.
I have to be careful, or the boxes will fall.
There are cans of things which also need to be placed on the shelves.
Article #80 The Lie
Yesterday I told a lie.
I don't feel very good about it.
I was bouncing a ball in the kitchen, and the ball bounced up and broke a cup.
It was one of my mother's best cups, so I was afraid that she would be mad.
I put the broken cup back on the table, and I didn't tell anyone that I had broken it.
That night, my mother asked who had broken the cup.
VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí
My brother said, "not me."
My sister said, "I didn't do it."
I said, "I didn't break the cup," but I was lying.
My mother said that we would all be punished, if someone didn't tell the truth and say who broke the
I still did not tell her that I had broken it.
She gave us one more chance, and said that she wasn't mad about the cup; she just wanted us to be
I still didn't say anything.
My brother, sister and I all got sent to our rooms.
We had to stay in our rooms all morning.
My brother said that it wasn't fair.
I felt very bad because my brother and sister were being punished because of me.
I went to my mother and told her that I had broken the cup.
She said that she was not upset about the broken cup.
She knew that it was an accident.
She was disappointed in me because I hadn't come forward and told the truth.
She said that she wouldn't have punished me if I had been honest with her.
I told my brother and sister that I was sorry.
I felt bad because they were punished because I was dishonest.
I told my mother that I was sorry that I had lied to her.
I told her that I had learned a lesson.
Honesty is the best policy.
It is better to tell the truth.
It is not a good feeling when people don't trust you.
I have learned that lying just hurts people.
Sometimes it is hard to be honest, but it is the best way to be.

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