100 bài luyện nghe Tiếng Anh Level 1 (Phần 5)
100 bài luyện nghe Tiếng Anh Level 1 (Phần 5)
Article #51 Parties
Parties can be a lot of fun.
People get invited to parties.
You can have a party because it is a special occasion, or just because you want to have a party.
Sometimes, people wear paper hats at parties.
These are called party hats.
Some people decorate with streamers and balloons.
At some parties, there is a cake
g food. Grocery Shopping There are toys for cats and dogs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Article #53 Differences Are you tall or short? Are you big or small? People come in many different shapes and sizes. Some people wear size small clothes. Other people wear size medium clothes. There are people who wear large size clothes. Some people even wear extra large clothes. Some people are thin. Some people are fat. Some people are in between. There are people with short hair. Other people have long hair. Some people have no hair at all. No two people are exactly alike. Some people have long legs. I have short legs. I don't walk as fast as a person with long legs. I am not a tall person. In fact, I am quite short. My feet are a size seven. My mother has size five feet. My father has size twelve feet. We are all different sizes. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí It is not a bad thing. It is a good thing that we are all unique. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Article #54 The Restaurant When you go to a restaurant you might see a sign that says, "Please wait to be seated." A host or hostess will ask you how many people are in your party. Then they will want to know if you want to sit in the smoking or non-smoking section. The host or hostess will take you to your seat. You might sit at a table or at a booth. The host or hostess will give you a menu to look at. Sometimes, there are different menus for different meals. There can be a breakfast menu, a lunch menu and a dinner menu. Sometimes, there is also a wine list and a dessert menu. The food and the prices of the food are listed on the menu. On your table, there will be cutlery. Cutlery is the knives, forks and spoons. There will also be a napkin. You are supposed to put your napkin on your lap when you eat. Your waiter or waitress will take your order. You might want an appetizer before your meal. Some people want a salad or soup before their meal. After your meal, you might have a dessert, or tea, or coffee. When it is time to go, you will pay your bill and leave a tip for the waiter or waitress. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Article #55 Traffic Traffic moves along on the streets and highways. There are rules that drivers must follow to make the traffic flow smoothly. You must wear a seatbelt. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí The seatbelt helps to keep you safe. You must stop at all stop signs. You must also stop at a red light. A green light means go, and a yellow light means to be careful. If you see a sign that says school crossing, you have to be careful because you are near a school, and children might be crossing the street. Some places are crosswalks. Those are places where people cross the street. People who are walking have the right of way. If you hear a siren behind you, you must pull over. An emergency vehicle like a police car or an ambulance might need to get somewhere fast. When a school bus puts on its flashing signals, you have to stop. You can't go past the school bus because children may be crossing the street from the bus. You should always obey the speed limit. It is not good to drive too fast. People should never drink and drive. Driving is a serious business. You have to obey all the rules to be a good driver. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Article #56 Music (1) If you were in an orchestra, what would you play? Would you play a tuba, a trumpet or a saxophone? Perhaps you would prefer a stringed instrument like a violin or a cello. Maybe you would enjoy percussion more. You could play the kettle drum. There are instruments that have keyboards. A piano and an organ have keyboards. There are instruments that have strings on them. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí A guitar, banjo and mandolin have strings on them. There are instruments that you blow into. A flute, a French horn and a harmonica are all instruments that you blow into. There are instruments that you hit with a stick. A drum and a cymbal are two things that you would hit with a stick. If you are in an orchestra, you have to watch the conductor. He will lead you through the piece of music. You might just want to be in a band for fun. You could join a rock band or a dance band. Some people learn to read music. Music notes are written on a staff. Each note represents a sound. There are whole notes, half notes, quarter notes and eighth notes. Each one of these is held for a different number of beats. It is good to learn about music. You have to learn your scales, and learn about sharps and flats. If you want to learn how to play an instrument, it is best to take music lessons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Article #57 Who, What, Where and Why? These are important words. They are all words that begin questions. "Who" is about a person. Who is the girl with the blue dress on? Who stole my watch? Who will come with me to the game? Who is driving us to the party? "What" is about a thing. What is that big thing on the sidewalk? What should I do when I get to your house? VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí What kind of clothes should I wear to the party? What shall I buy you for your birthday? "Where" is about a place. Where are you going for your vacation? Where did I leave my glasses? Where did my brother go? Where on earth is Timmins? "Why" is the word that asks for an explanation. Why did you take the last piece of pie? Why is the world round? Why should I give you any money? Why did the chicken cross the street? They say that you should answer all of these questions if you are writing a story. You have to give the who, what, where and why to write a good story. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Article #58 Which Direction? Which direction should I go in? Should I go up? If I go up, I will head toward the sky. I can go up the stairs. Should I go down? I can go down the stairs to the basement. I can climb down into a hole. Should I go left or right? I am right-handed, so I know which way right is. Should I go backwards? I would be going away from the things that I am facing now if I went backwards. If I went backwards from the thing that I am facing, I would go away from it. If I went backwards from the thing that I am facing, I would go away from it. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Should I go forward? I will just go straight ahead if I go forward. If I am facing something and I go forward, then I will go toward the thing that I am facing. Maybe I should go sideways, but which side, left or right? It sounds very complicated, but it is not. Directions are very easy to follow if you just stop and think about them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Article #59 The Office Some people work in an office. There are special tools that people in an office need to do their work. There is a computer in the office. There is a telephone. Most of the time, the secretary answers the telephone. The secretary sits at a desk. The secretary has pens and pencils on the desk. The secretary writes on a note pad. Some other things that you would find in an office would include the following: a stapler to staple pages together, a photocopier to copy pages, a pencil sharpener to sharpen pencils, a water cooler where the employees could get a drink of water, a hole punch to make holes in sheets of paper, and liquid paper which is used to blank out errors on a page. Some offices have many employees in them. All of the employees have their own desks. Other offices just have one person at a desk. In some offices, there is a secretary or a receptionist, and then there is the boss in another room. There are often many important papers in an office. Important papers can be called documents. You might have to sign a document or fill out a form in an office. Some offices have bookshelves filled with books. VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí The books are filled with information that the people in the office need. You will have to visit an office sometime. Maybe it will be a doctor's office or a lawyer's office. There are many different types of offices. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Article #60 Money I keep my money in the bank. I have saved up my money. I saved all my pennies in a jar. A penny is only worth one cent. I have nickels. A nickel is worth five cents. A dime is worth ten cents. A quarter is worth twenty-five cents. A quarter is a quarter of a dollar. Four quarters make up a dollar. A dollar is worth one hundred cents. I saved up all of my dollars. Our dollars used to be paper, but now they are coins. We call our dollars loonies. It is a funny name. We also have two dollar coins. We call those toonies. We have five dollar bills and ten dollar bills. If you are lucky you will have twenty dollar bills, fifty dollar bills and even hundred dollar bills. Our bills in Canada are different colours. That makes them easy to recognize if you go somewhere to spend them. It is wise to save your money. If you save enough, you could have hundreds or thousands of dollars.
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